People be playing FFXIV too much, healers dont dps in WoW

Getting hit for most of their health pool, requiring spam healing of a healer’s most inefficient high HPS spell to live.

AKA : Orgozoa with 0 stacks.

So you have no qualms contributing to the healer shortage unless they play how you want them to?

That’s not controlling at all. /s

If Healing and CC only means to the impatient DPS that their “Standing there” or “AFK”, then i would personally remove that DPS for trying to target the healer and berate them. Don’t really care how good they are, especially since the DPS should know their place in how replaceable they are.

If you dislike me saying that, ask Blizzard why they made the DPS that way then.

If Healers aren’t supposed to DPS, why did Blizzard make them do damage to heal in quite a lot of cases ?

Nope, “chunked” isn’t “most of their health pool”. That’s way out to lunch. Suddenly this starts making sense. You know, you should have asked this question earlier, instead I had to do it for you.

Chunked is like, 30% or over. It’s a chunk, not the majority.

What I was trying to point out, but you wouldn’t listen, is that wow damage comes at higher and less predictable frequency than ffXIV Tank Busters

Dude this sanctimonious attitude doesn’t look good when DPS hold it against healers around and it doesn’t really look any better when used in reverse. I won’t kick a healer for not doing damage in low content but if you bring that attitude into one of my groups then you can bet your butt that you’re getting the boot.

It’s difficult to take your arguments that people have consideration for healers seriously when you’re not willing to return the favor.

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If the mob has a 0.5s attack speed, maybe 30% counts as chunked.

Otherwise, no. If a Blood DK can survive without a healer, tanks aren’t getting chunked. A Prot Warrior taking the damage a Blood DK is able to self-sustain through won’t even notice the missing health.

That’s another point you’re ignoring : All WoW tanks work differently. If they made something that chunks a Prot Warrior, a blood DK is just dead after Purgatory. It simply wouldn’t work.

Orgozoa is like the only recent encounter that chunked tank, because that was the encounter’s mechanic. Tank “chunking” is a gimmick mechanic, not a constant reality.

This is just plainly wrong. If anything, healers who contribute to DPS will be praised.

Besides, nobody is saying healers should focus on DPS by neglecting healing. Healers should contribute to DPS in keystones, while also doing all the healing needed. I can’t think of a dungeon in which you need to spend every global in healing.


Exactly. This isn’t a binary on/off switch. Saying that healers should do damage doesn’t mean that they do damage at the expense of anything else. It’s possible to swing the pendulum too far in the other direction. Exactly how much damage is safe to do is going to depend on an individual healer’s judgement since there’s not always an easy one-size-fits-all answer to this. But learning how to make that judgement call is one of the skill elements in this game. If your goal is to be a good healer, it’s best to start practicing the skillset now so that by the time you get into higher dungeons where it’s more necessary, you already have a solid base to build on.


Honestly all I needed to know was that you were wrong because you misunderstood me, everything makes sense to me now. Whether or not you want to accept that isn’t any concern to me.

You have fun yelling at clouds and hiding from the terrors of people talking about other MMOs in your sanctified wow forums when discussing topics that clearly have solid comparatives from… Other mmos…

Ah yes, I’m the one that’s yelling at clouds here, not the guy who submitted his resume of dead MMOs as proof he knows what he’s talking about.

You see, that doesn’t bother me. You might find this surprising but unlike you I don’t associate my self worth with the games I play, so you insulting Warhammer online doesn’t really make me feel anything.

I think one key element to have in mind is that keystones dungeons are by design a performance based content. If you only want to get your vault, sure, healers dps isn’t very important, but if you intend to push (which is the main goal in mythic keystones), then every second counts.

Raid encounters are checkpoints. In order to complete them, you need to be able to fulfill the encounter requirements while doing the mechanics. In raid, doing your job is essential and often trying to push things too much might lead to a wipe.

Mythic keystones are different. They are performance based, against a clock. By design, everyone is expected to squish every bit of performance they can. Naturally, a healer who can contribute to damage will be better than one that only heals, provided both are capable of keeping the party alive.

Let me guess.
You got kicked from a key for not dpsing?

People who sell 15’s for gold don’t even bring a healer if the group is geared (obviously apart from the buyer). You can dps as a healer just fine in 15’s.

It’s funny, because you keep making all these ad hominems and assumptions about me.

Good, it also doesn’t convince me you know what you’re talking about, especially not about WoW since you obviously don’t really have a clue how this game works.

It’s the rogue who kept arguing with thousand word essays about how Healers don’t heal in keys in the 2000 post thread.

Are you surprised he’s just a troll trying to goad people into arguments ?

Christ you know nothing about pve that it hurts bro

It’s funny you think they are assumptions when your behaviour clearly backs them up.

I think the only thing that would convince you is if I just agreed to whatever you said. That being said a reasonable person would conclude that exposure to multiple different MMO designs would give me a multi faceted perspective and understanding of things that do and do not work.

Maybe i wouldn’t have that attitude if the pro-healer people weren’t absolute hypocrites, making excuses for their unfair treatment? I mean it’s not like the first time DPS did terrible things to Healers/Tanks and covered it up with “Group contribution” excuses like “Oh i’m helping you tank! don’t you see me pulling for you? I’m helping you! you should be grateful”, when it’s them just being impatient, and trying to speak for the entire group.

Weren’t you one of the ones who disagreed with me saying “DPS is replaceable”?.. As for attitude, i can assure many of the “Pro healer DPS” mates have the same attitude given the amount of “group contribution” excuses i’ve heard, thinking them controlling over people is good. If you want to talk about consistency, maybe start realizing this attitude isn’t exclusive with anti-healer DPS people?

Between you and Byob (who thankfully regained a bit of respect recently) you’re the only person i hold to high regard in this whole controversy, so i have returned the favor of considering your arguments seriously. And between you and her, you understand that making it the norm in normal, heroic or anything that isn’t M+ is pointless. Beneficial, but pointless. And given the fact i’ve lowered my standard here from M+15 to M+ in general, tells you that i’m returning the favor here.

Meanwhile, i have absolutely no respect for those who uses the “Nobody’s gonna read it, Wall of text” as a dismissal. Especially when it wasn’t even directed to that person, but to somebody else. That to me sounds like a troll, and i have no qualms to whatever happens to that forum avatar. Infact, i would happier if people like that are no longer in my sight. Or off this forum if i should say. This is a place for discussion. If they want Twitter length comments, then they should go to Twitter. As far i’m concerned, the “WALLS OF TEXT” peeps still don’t get it.

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Thats the way it used to be years ago. healers were expected to heal, tanks to tank and dps to dps and i like it that way but i do dps sometimes if i heal but i dont heal much anymore so yeah there you go.

It’s funny the guy who just dishes out insults talks about behavior.

Is if you actually knew what you were talking about.

Which would require you to have played this game.

WTH are you talking about. No healers were harmed in the filming of this movie.

Healers are treated fairly : aka the same as everyone else.

Right, and let me guess, that means agreeing with whatever you say right?