People be playing FFXIV too much, healers dont dps in WoW

Not relevant in boss encounters

Has the boss stepped away for a mechanic and there’s a lot of unavoidable aoe damage going out? Yes, why wouldn’t they be throwing out heals to make the job easier for the healers? This is like saying tanks and dps shouldn’t use their defensives or self heals because it’s the healer’s job to keep them alive

Ok, real talk.

  1. I’ve never once praised FFXIV in any undue way, those are your insecurities talking. Even if I had that game has many solid elements and is legitimately worthy of praise. That should not bother you, but it does, once again your insecurities talking.

  2. They do, or at least for the majority of wow they did. Unless you are talking over geared tanks in tired old content, I presumed we were both talking about freshly geared tanks in the latest content to drop but maybe I gave you too much credit.

  3. I never once said healers don’t DPS. That’s not my stance and I have long suspected you have been singling me out because you were too stupid to realize that I am here giving context as for why healers should DPS.

  4. I should just reiterate, other MMOs exist and are good, if you feel threatened about that then you are the problem. Your team sports mentality here is childish. God forbid another successful MMO is mentioned in the sanctity of your WoW forums. Grow up.

everyone has a right to their opinion…

Dude, all these threads that constantly bring up FF XIV are obviously just spam. You can disguise it how you want, it’s transparent.

Especially when you disguise it as a silly argument that “tanks get chunked” (they don’t) and “healers don’t do damage” (they do).

You can head on over to the FF XIV if you want to discuss that game so badly.

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Spam is any kind of unwanted, unsolicited digital communication that gets sent out in bulk. Often spam is sent via email, but it can also be distributed via text messages, phone calls, or social media.
i don’t think that constitutes “spam”…some of you are a little confused.

The ABC of WoW is “Always Be Casting” so, yeah, DPS between heals.

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As a healer I am offended. We have always done dps. There is no point in doing nothing so may as well help bring stuff down more quickly if you are able to.


Head in the freakin’ sand now eh?

Its only “transparent” because you are a wow fanboi and feel threatened by another successful MMO. It’s in no way odd that people would share context from another incredibly successful MMO when we are talking about MMO mechanics. The fact that you think that is “transparent” as FFXIV fanboi-ism only goes to prove how insecure you yourself are.

And like I said, I never said healers don’t do damage, they should.


Yup, sure did say these things. Only took the tiniest bit of prodding for him to spiral into arguing in bad faith, from there a bit more tweaking and we get to the heart of the matter, his insecurity from people mentioning FFXIV on wow forums.

Shame I had to say a few of those things to get him riled up enough to be honest about it but there you go.

You obviously have never read my posts.

No. If this were the FF XIV forums and you were just ranting about how WoW does things, I’d tell you to shut up and go to the WoW forums.

Sir, this is WoW General Discussion.

The rules literally state that this forum is for WoW discussion only.

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And we are discussing WoW, the fact that you can’t see how a comparative is relevant to the discussion is… Very telling

I’m not understanding why this is such a controversial topic among WoW players.

If your healers aren’t doing anything and there’s nothing to heal, do you just want them to sit there?

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I can literally see FF XIV in the OP and thread title.

This thread is spam with a very poor attempt at disguising it as WoW discussion.

We get like 60 of these per week.

You must be new here.

It’s not. Every key, every dungeon, the healer is doing damage. It’s nice bait though.

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Seeing as I’m not the thread OP I don’t see what that has to do with me or our discussion.

Are you just like… Unable to focus or something? I’ve lived with ADD since I was a child, I can get you some pointers if you need.

You, like the OP, support the silly notion “tanks get chunked” in WoW.

If anything, it leaves me to think you and the OP are the same person.

Jesus you are salty dude.

I’ve already explained how I was simply using it as a comparative. Wow damage is incremental and consistent, ffXIV damage is built around tank Buster’s. Does that make you feel better?

Would you be able to stop fixating on this if I retracted that statement in favour of the one I just gave?

It doesn’t matter, a good healer will still deal damage

Says the guy who can’t go a post without using ad hominems.

You said something that was wrong. Ultimately, you can double down and look silly, or you can accept it and move on.

You obviously picked option 1 for the last several posts.

It’s worth noting that warcraftlogs counts all time spent in the dungeon as combat uptime, so that 10k can range anywhere from 12k to 18k or so on details, depending on how efficiently the group was pulling.

Oh yes, I’m the one that looks silly here, not the guy who just accused me of being OPs alt because I wasn’t agreeing with you.

Out of curiosity, what is your definition of “chunked”. I am beginning to think it’s something unreasonable like 80% of health or something.