People be playing FFXIV too much, healers dont dps in WoW

There’s been very few periods were tanks in WoW have gotten chunked.

Yeah started playing yesterday. For sure.

Sarcasm doesn’t work when you give all the indication that this is true

Yep. Totally just started yesterday. Right on the money.

Yes… You said that allready. Is it getting close to your nap time? Maybe you are just tired and that’s why you are acting out. Poor thing, time for a nappy nap

FF healing is so ungodly boring.

DoT > Pong > Pong > Pong > Pong > oGCD > Pong > Pong > Pong > Pong > Pong > Pong > oGCD > Pong > Pong > Pong > Pong > repeat

Yep. totally just agreeing with you because it’s the best argument in support of your point that I’ve ever read in the history of always.

Solid all around points. I’m now thoroughly convinced. You have set forth undeniable proof of what you say and aren’t totally just another Square spammer. I bow to your superior debating skills.


That was me being sarcastic calling people out who said just that…

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Sadly I agree. Just beat P7S finally and I was so bored I was making all the dumbest mistakes. My raid lead was raging and I essentially told him to eff himself.

Weeks of being stuck on the same mechanic. Of course I’m salty and bored. Git gud FF players.

are healers expected to dps now?
i had no idea…i do not have the healer

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Calls me a square spammer and then just flat out calls all of FF ungodly boring. Clearly a wow fanboi huffing that copium. Or perhaps you have it on IV drip.

I have the benefit of having played other games through the years, I always come back and touch base with wow, sometimes I play more, sometimes less, but I have also played several other MMOs into the endgame such as Warhammer online, star wars the old republic, Rifts, Guild wars, FFXIV, and many many more not into the endgame. I have a perspective you simply don’t.

yeah…but that would be another game…
i like the idea…but the current paradigm
doesn’t support it.

yeah no thanks not gonna just sit there and be bored as a healer.

They (devs) can’t find the balance so that the content can be challenging without unavoidable damage vs engaging and fun. It’s one thing to have a hard aoe hit come in but make it also avoidable. If the healer wants to spam globals to weave in heals, they should be able to without sacrifice heals to the party. If they just want to heal, I guess we will continue to see bit dmg abilities more frequently.

Oh my, I can totally see the contradiction!

Checks top of page

Did you get lost ?

Reddit was the 3rd door on the right. You took a left turn there.

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Fake news alert!

*** Your job is to take as much hate as possible while mitigating the damage otherwise you will be branded a bad tank and I know many of them. You need to know when to use defensives for big hits, coordinate cooldowns with your group (AOE Stuns, knock ups, knock backs, interrupts, lead the group, plan the perfect route, make sure everyone is ready and present before pulling and face the boss away unless there is a massive stack mechanic).

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See, if you only had a brain, you would have picked up that I wasn’t pointing out a contradiction. Instead I was highlighting your hypocrisy of “calling me out” for being a fanboi (which I am clearly not) while providing ample evidence that you yourself are just biased and likely a fanboi yourself

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If healers were meant to heal every single booboo the dps get then dps should not have defensive cooldowns and self heals

What the naysayers seemingly aren’t getting in their head is that no one is saying healers absolutely must dps 100% of the time and never cast a single healing spell. It’s when you have DOWN TIME. You know, that period where no one has taken any significant damage and you’re just standing there doing literally nothing, waiting for someone’s health bar to tick down. Try casting a Smite or two. Even if it only amounts to 5% of the whole group’s total dps (which I promise you it’s worth more than that) That’s still clearing the dungeon 5% faster, and in a tight key where you finish with seconds remaining, that 5% dps was quite literally the difference between timing it and failing it

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Ok, real talk.

You’re on the WoW forums. If you want to praise and advertise FF XIV, you’re not going to be well received here, no matter how you disguise it. Especially if you say silly things like “tanks get chunked” and “healers don’t dps”, which are blatantly untrue.

If we wanted to play FF XIV, we would be on their forums, not Blizzard’s.

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If the healer has downtime. Pull more groups or push harder keys. If dps is required to clear the content you are in… that’s a dps issue not a healer issue. Like cool if they can throw some dps out. But it’s not a requirement. That’s like expecting a Druid or paladin tank to do party heals, when you need more heals.

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wow is the only mmo i play…
i’ve tried others…nothing resonates.

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