People be playing FFXIV too much, healers dont dps in WoW

We don’t have healer shortages. Before I learned to run my own keys on my mistweaver, I got declined by plenty of groups.

There’s always another healer out there.

I was being sarcastic bud.

Ok,lol,we need a heal and I don’t mean ice block or absorb barrier . Looks like everyone need to heal each other now.

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Not to be that guy but if your tanks and healers are doing 50%+ dps in a raid in XIV holy crap your DPSers are absolute trash.

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Well,with the nerf at 70 to healers and at an higher health on bosses ,if the tanks and healer can’t hold up then it come to dps being able to survive even if we do have the dps it doesn’t hold up when you’re dead.

Would this Evoker class play the part of a heal-dps up to par ?

and you can also do this hands free :rofl:

No, silly.

I jump around.

Or I don’t heal until they are in red and so they always know I can let them die at any moment.

Wands? you got to be kidding LOL.

It is classic forum attention trolling. You have a handful of people here that post across many alts using attention seeking topics and behaviors hoping to stir up controversy so they can have something to do in their rather boring lives to feel some slight form of validation.

It happens more often than you would expect, and so often as to be depressing. One of many, many, many, many reasons I finally quit the game after a decade.

Source: I was a tank and healer main for about half of my years playing. :dracthyr_cry_animated:

Some of my favorite fights on my rogue were the ones where I had to band-aid and we could compete on the healing charts by running around and band dating people because it was more important that the healers were wanting and it was for me to run into melee and get killed.

Now I press buttons and get healed by myself, I can’t imagine healers have a lot to do except during certain parts of certain fights (so what were you supposed to be doing again?)

I have to give them points for stringing in FF14 bait into it

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You heal until you don’t need to, and then you pepper in some damage.

My issue with this sentiment is most people don’t get the first thing right.

Haven’t played wow in like a year or something but love to come on the forums to be reminded that we’re all playing a different game here.

The same wow I have been playing since 2004. I don’t get why you are fighting this statement, i’m making a comparative to illustrate a difference between WoW and FFXIV and through the history or WoW in all its iterations tanks in wow get hit harder than they do in FFXIV on a more consistent basis and if you are pushing content then yes, they get chunked pretty hard.

In high keys, good healers DPS. DPS are expected to have a certain amount of survivability. Our job is to keep up the tank primarily, and we will keep you topped up. But you stand in fire, you are on your own. I will not heal you through a mechanic so you can pump the meter. You need to learn to play your class effectively AND manage the mechanics.

Sounds like a Blizzard problem. Tanks tank, Dpsers deepz, and Healers…dps?
Very very very basic logic, which I’m sure more than a few people new and old attribute to and get confused/angry when the logic doesn’t pan out. On a team contribution basis, it’s also just not fair.
If you want healers to dps, just remove the role entirely and give dps their own methods of sustain.


The keys go on forever. At a certain point you need the extra DPS. And its the player’s choice to push the keys to 20+

If you don’t want to be in the top .0000001 percent of players, don’t worry about it.

The casual content is tuned for you just the way you like it.

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In that case, Tanks in FF XIV aren’t required because if tanks were getting hit any softer than they are in WoW, you wouldn’t even need them.

Maybe now, but I’m talking the entirety of the game dude. You are probably just too new