People be playing FFXIV too much, healers dont dps in WoW

The reason they did that was because healing was incredibly overpowered at that point in tuning. The paradigm of filling every non heal gcd with dps hasn’t changed at all. You’re right that the ratio depends on balance; the paradigm doesn’t though.

As someone said earlier in the thread (it might even have been you?), the fact that people are capable of running whatever the highest level of keys is defitionally means that healing requirements relative to healing capability at keys lower than that maximum are lower (and thus capacity for dps is higher). Since key level and healing output don’t scale linearly, the capacity to dps is definitionally higher at every level lower than the maximum possible.

And, people doing maximum level keys are still dpsing.

It’s definitely not going to remove the ability to DPS, no. It just might reduce how many globals a healer can spend on dps depending heavily on many other factors. I try to be fair to all sides. :person_shrugging:

We know Snowpine.

I prefer a system where the healer is healing a lot. Could be fun.

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Clever, I’ll give you that. But no, you don’t know. Still waiting on you to post that log, rather than blab about it like it’s some well-guarded secret.

Looks like there are some huge resto druid parses

Figures it would be a restore Druid. I instantly knew. Wonder if its some kind of exploitatively gameplay.

I think too many people look at dps meters and not damage done.

I do damage where I can when I heal but I doubt it makes or breaks a fight. Feels more for my amusement than anything,

Hmm. Highly intensive and lots of button pushing. Props.

I dont think one healer should be able to get that far above the others haha 12k :tired_face::woozy_face:

I mean they put in a good bit more effort to do so.

Lmao, this guy has posted 90 times in a thread less than 12 hours old.

Go outside dude.

I mean 12k would’ve seemed massive before pre-patch, but since then most DPS are doing 40k+ overall, easily. Rdruid is also the only healer that can triple-dip covenants right now (necro and NF from talents, then Kyr as their real covenant).

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This backpedaling is just embarrassing. Admit you didn’t read the second sentence and move on.

Havoc DH can, too, can’t they? Fodder’s in spec tree, but as RNG, and Hunt’s in the class tree.

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Its hard to say exact numbers, havent seen holy pallies lately and the little looking I did into warcraftlogs didnt have many of those either in recent runs. The general rule seems to be in a +15 you`ll do as much damage as you do healing, pretty much 1:1. In a +20 you start doing more damage than healing, highest number for overall healer dps I saw looking at like 10 logs was 10k by resto druid.

To me its more bout trying your best than anything else so as long as you are clearly trying I doubt most ppl care even if your numbers are a bit low.

from what I see healers generally do between 3-10k on the keys that I run. Those are 20-23s But it depends on alot of factors. How much the tank is pulling, what dungeon you’re doing and how much extra dmg everyone is taking. My normal healer does about 8k per dungeon but she’s a shammy

yea as long as that number isn’t zero on details generally people dont care.

I doubt it. The good healers will still find ways to dps while keeping everyone alive. Maybe the 1st week healers will hunker down while they’re learning the dmg profile of the dungeons but trust me that would only last a week. Mob increase dmg wont mean anything because it’s mostly avoidable dmg and tanks are pretty self sufficient on the get go (unless you’re playing a monk, poor monks)

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Yep. “Interrupt” “Incap” “Crowd control” “Damage mitigation” isn’t in my title.

Tanks also don’t shoot rocket projectiles at enemies, I guess everyone can not work as a team because, “Its not in the name.” License to be lazy, time for those pet battles.

Healers providing DPS on top of healing. The audacity.

Mages do interrupts counter spell ,cc so yeah we do.