People be playing FFXIV too much, healers dont dps in WoW

Also not true. Tanks are frequently higher in healing than healers are. DPS frequently “tank” mobs to keep them off the healer if the tank dies, or use what healing abilities they have when they can do so efficiently or if it will save someone from dying.

All party members have tools that allow them to act outside of the strict definition you are trying to apply to them, which they use as it pertains to making the group succeed. If the tank dies and a dps does not use taunt, but allows the healer to take threat and die instead of healing the dps and maybe living, they have failed.

Simultaneously, if a healer cannot use their current gcd to more efficiently heal, they should be casting a dps ability.

DPS do heal. Even if they try not to.

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Your role determines what your kit is designed to do most efficiently.

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Neither is the healer when there’s nothing to heal.

Maybe I’m holding breath in case the tank decides to pull big and he never does. Gotta sit on those cooldowns, you know, like the healer is sitting on his damage spells in case someone needs sudden healing.

Everyone’s duty is ensuring the key’s success.

Honestly, it is. I asked before, I’ll ask again : what even is your PvE experience ? You’ve wasted multiple people’s time in this thread and frankly, I’m getting the feeling you absolutely have no clue how any of this works.

THink of it like this:

We will finish the key if the healer never does and damage, the dps never do any active healing, and the tank doesnt do any active healing.

We will not finish the key if: The tank does no tanking. The DPS do no damage.

The rolls are set. There is a reason why you dont bring a rogue to be your healer.

Now understand I know what youre saying. Maximum efficiency. At +15, you dont need that. Perhaps things change in DF now that +20 is the new +15. I dont know.

You said literally the same thing, using different words. Maybe that’s what you meant to do?

Your role determines what your kit is designed to do most efficiently, but not what it must do to the exclusion of all else.

Yeah, we’ll also finish the key without Lust, without combat pots, without even using DPS cooldowns.

Yay, you got a passing grade! You’re a C average!

Congrats on your future as a Barista.

Ok, at this point it’s clear you have no idea how any of this works, we’re just wasting time with you.

Having flashbacks of small first pulls on Atonement.

You dont have to be rude. See youre way out of the thread if youre bothered.

Groups can very easily run without any of the three roles, at given key levels.

Paladins already heal groups through 15s without a healer in the group. All tank runs have been a meme for a long time. Running without a tank is not a problem from a long time, there’s just no good reason to do so.

You don’t bring a rogue to be your healer, but if the rogue doesn’t use crimson vial rather than dying I’m going to chew his backside out.

What you are saying is wrong. There is nothing in the game that teaches you that healers must only heal, dps shouldn’t use their utility, and tanks shouldn’t heal.

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Can players run a +15 at appropriate gear levels without a dedicated healer?

You’re rude to your group, every time you decide to do less than what your class is capable of. See your way out of group content if you’re lazy.

Yep. 123456

Stay decent. He was rude and he left.

He wasn’t rude; he was blunt. He was also correct. Your posts have turned from what could have been ignorance into willful laziness. You understand that you can do more than you are doing, but choose to do so anyway, which definitionally means that you are choosing to be a worse player for your group than you could be.


Well I disagree with all of this nonsense. You complete the key, and no one dies but youre mad because the healer didnt do damage.

I dont get it.

Round two. Completing the key is not the only goal.

Blizz opened some off spec healing I think. If you outgear the low level difficulty. Might get away with going like a healing enh/ele/ret/boomy/feral build.

People do that all the time for low level content. Switch to a dps spec. I am interested if that will happen in DF. At what point that will stop being viable as well.

At a bare minimum, you cost your group a small amount of time. You have NO IDEA if this particular group is one where a member disconnects and that time costs you the key, or if someone stuffs up and dies and wouldn’t have if the mob had died that small amount earlier, or any other of uncountable contexts in where that small amount of dps makes a difference.

And even if ALL of that doesn’t apply, you STILL decided to cost your group a small amount of time.

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Oh for sure. Probably could run 4 dps and a tank at that point. Im really just fixing on +15 with appropriate gear. I guess its +20 in DF.