People be playing FFXIV too much, healers dont dps in WoW

I disagree. I am not elite player, but I watch the elites stream. Their DPS use defensives on every run. And these are the groups completing +25-30s.

I can garantee you if you look at Healing done in a +15, you’ll see 5 bars there. Your DPS healed.

When playing Fury, just having the Pain and Gain talent means I heal naturally, as does pressing Bloodthirst/Bloodbath.


I chomp at the bit to use mine. Singular, because I’m a dirty Enhance. But still. (Unless you count Ancestral or Earth Ele, I find it depends who you ask.)


Well those are very high keys. I watch those two. Those players are extraordinary and what I would consider outside the mean.

…what is this mythical M+ dungeon key where absolutely nothing out of the ordinary happens?

What should happen is a silly point because you’re not a robot and you don’t play with bots. But I’m sure your group leader loves hearing when you die to preventable mechanics that you made no attempt to use any mitigation or self-healing abilities because it’s the healer’s job to do that.

Do you brag about your parses too?

Right because a lot of DPS have heals within thier rotation or a good amount of leech through talents.

Its a design choice by Blizzard that was probably made to ensure that high level keys were even possible to complete.

Well sure they are outside the mean, since the mean average WoW player does not even do group content. But their example shows that players at the highest levels expect DPS to use their defensives. And these are the groups pushing envelope for best possible group performance.

Pretty much every DPS has some form of healing that they’ll use.

Heck, if you use AMS as a DK, which you should even in +2 keys, you’ll do HPS.

What Im saying is that I wouldnt put up those keys as part of this conversation because they are so outside of whats normal for most players - even good players.

Im more talking +15, +16. Once you hit +30 - things are so difficult, outside strats are incorporated in order to overcome the immense damage.

Good Teamwork = every member of team using all their buttons to help team be successful. Refusing to do anything outside their primary role (healers helping DPS, DPS helping to keep themselves healed, tanks helping with all of it…) is kind of like that coworker who always says “not my job”. Nobody likes a coworker like that. We all appreciate team mates who do whatever they can to help the team.


Yes and no.

If tanks aren’t getting demolished, there could be rot damage on the raid/party.

The problem with rot damage is the keystone modifier.

If you want a 24 doable, meaning the healer has enough HPS to keep the party alive, with a 600% modifier active, the rot damage will be insignificant nearly up to that point, getting lost in passive leech and other healing DPS naturally have.

Like if they ever made Stratholme into a keystone, imagine Rivendare on +24 Tyrannical if his perma ticking damage aura is already a pain to deal with on Fortified +5.

Of coure youre right here. I do want to remind though, that total healer damage might be 5% of the total damage done across the entire dungeon. A somewhat trivial number.

To go back to earlier : Devo aura is a 3% DR. It’s trivial.

You’ll still use it.

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I think those keys are perfect example of how we resolve this conversation, because those groups have to perform at highest possible level to complete those keys. They are then the best example we have of groups performing at highest efficiency. Why not hold them up as examples of how to perform best? If their healers help DPS, why would we argue that healers helping to DPS is wrong?

This means that dungeon design is constrained.

341 posts in 9 hours, well done troll sir.

If you’re not joking, you’re bad.

But would you actually care if someone wasnt using it if the run was still going smoothly.

Yes, design usually involves constraining things.

Yep! Devo may be trivial, but I felt really bad when team mate caught me in Crusader Aura mid-run. I had been using Crusader for world content, of course, and forgot to switch back. Making myself a pre-run checklist for DF. :smiley: