People be playing FFXIV too much, healers dont dps in WoW

This is a level of min/max that I don’t think most people are alluding to. I just want effort on the part of everyone. It’s good for morale, and even if the damage provided from the healer is lower, anything is better than nothing. It makes me, personally, feel like my time and effort is valued, when I see everyone in the party putting forth as much effort as I do.

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Compared to ffXIV they absolutely do. FFXIV is built around the tank Buster while WoW delivers hits to the tank in smaller but more consistent doses

I mean, if the tank doesn’t need the extra tankiness, the extra DPS will help, on top of you probably wanting that extra DPS because when a Frost DK decides he’s using Breath and dropping Frostwyrm at 30%+ Pillar, you’re going to need all the threat you can get.

Like healing, there is such a thing as too much tanking. If a Blood Death Knight has built up such a high Blood Shield mobs can’t even break it anymore, what’s even the point of spending more talent points into improved Death Strike healing ?

Dude, I don’t know what WoW you’re playing, but tanks do not get chunked hard.

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Most serious damage is avoidable, and most tanks can already sustain the damage they take :man_shrugging:

Pulling more shouldn’t really affect things much outside of making avoidable damage harder to avoid. Why else do you think people are able to do such larger pulls? The damage doesn’t increase exponentially.

New talent trees absolutely put responsibility on tanks to choose between tankiness and DPS, some more than others. As Prot Pally, I can choose to be extremely tanky and do mediocre DPS, or extremely aggressive with damage but having to be very on-point with defensives to survive. Which do I choose? Will depend on instance, on group, on my healer’s comfort level healing me… For my M+ team, it will be a group decision since it affects us all. Do we need my higher DPS to time key? Can I play well enough with defensive CDs so not over-strain healer if I use DPS build? Lots to strategize over.

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FWIW, from what I can tell they’re mostly curbing the issues from HoV. Skovald’s BS has been completely fixed.

Until Mythic Jailer. Was it Limit’s tank who got smacked/1-shot, logged off that tank, and swapped to a beefier tank? :dracthyr_hehe:

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Dorki was certainly dying a lot in his Beta runs tonight, despite Yumy being there to heal him. Admittedly, they were screwing around experimenting, so they were taking lots of chances to try new things, but I got the impression there will be lots of damage in DF.

It seems that Bliz is going out of there way to have less over healing and more widdling down of hp bars versus huge bursts of unavoidable damage.

Could result in more globals being filled with healing, no? I think thats one of the purposes.

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VDH was only really top dog in S1, and it was because they had really strong initial threat and could kite, less so because of their damage tbh.

Yes, DF is looking to be a lot more healing intensive, with the 40% HP buffs all around. I’ll still 100% appreciate open GCDs being used to pepper enemies with moonfire or sunfire, though.

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Yes, I seem to remember it was because the DH could run from the extremely high damage mobs in the upper keys.

When undergeared as is common in the RWF. Like at that point, you probably need to properly use your defensives, but Blood DKs were still self sufficient on him in proper gear.

But WoW doesn’t chunk tanks really. The entirety of BfA, BrM was the default tank and they could face tank Orgozoa with nary changing anything they did.

it kills me every time

I’m not gonna roast you. It makes me laugh, that’s about it.

Healers are perfectly capable of doing DPS.

Your role in a party is ensuring it’s success. Not blindly performing a single role. Everyone is ultimately responsible for their own survival- healer’s aren’t there so that you can ignore damage mechanics. No one would bat an eye when you tell the DPS not to stand in fire. No one would bat an eye when you tell a DPS to use their own healing abilities in a pinch.

But apparently it’s some big faux pas to tell healers that when the party’s topped off and the boss isn’t about to whale on someone, they should be pushing some damage out?

No. You’re responsible for the success of the party, same as everyone else. If you’re just standing there you’re objectively wasting everyone’s time.

Unironically makes it easier to stand out. The healer who cares enough about the group to perform DPS even when it’s not expected of them is going to get invites to far more groups than the one who cops an attitude when people ask why they’re just standing there.


Face tanking one-shotters has always been strength of BrM, that is why they shine during progression. They need more attention from healers over the course of M+ run, but they are almost impossible to one-shot. Using them as proof that damage isn’t chunky is not good metric. By design, they will survive stuff that would one-shot other tanks.

Yeah, this was just on the pull. And it was like an insanely high hit. Just funny, nothing serious on this particular moment.

The very best tanks in the world don’t really need that much attention from healers. and like you said, WoW content in general isn’t demolishing tanks on a regular basis, so tank healing is pretty chill.

This would mean that the healer either failed to do his role correctly or the DPS just went and took a nap in the fire.

In a perfectly run +15, the DPS should not need to use their healing abilities as thats what the healer is there for!

Orgazoa was a special boss that was the “chunkiest” of bosses, by design. As you tanked him you gained stacks of a numbing debuff that made you take less and less damage.

Every tank could tank him. It was about the only fight that chunked tanks hard.

The point in saying BrM could tank him without even changing anything was to show that even when WoW wants to chunk tanks, it doesn’t even do it.

And this is what gives way to a healer having the globals to do damage.

It is what it is.