People be playing FFXIV too much, healers dont dps in WoW

And used them. It was, and still is today, though dynamics have changed, a considered part of forming a group.

Cleric was the true healer. Half the time, you were literally sitting down lol

At this point, it seems kinda obvious to me that we’re just not gonna see eye to eye on this. I prefer the faster paced gameplay of modern WoW, and I like using my entire kit to help the group. In my groups, I’ll always push to have everyone contribute, and generally speaking, 99% of people I encounter do.


Cleric has always traditionally been the worst on DPS. I won’t even fight that, but the idea that healers didn’t DPS in EQ is unequivocally false.

Wanding on a boss with a pally judging Wisdom was how we got mana back half the time.

I have no idea what horde healers did back then. I assume shams had a totem of some sort.

good healers required to dps in wow is stupid design anyways. its why i stopped healing. i pick heal option to heal NOT DPS. bite me.

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You don’t need to DPS as a healer.

You can easily get KSM, and a decent group can get KSH/portals without much additional effort.

They used their wands for mana.

Wands did damage.


What would you prefer, design-wise? 100% healing uptime?

I played a pally. Lawl.

yes. tbc had it right.

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So you ran up and hit the boss and placed JoW on it. Specifically for the healers that were wanding for mana.

how do you even achieve this in any RPG with a semblance of nuance

It’s easy if you’re trying to parse on Overhealing.

Maybe in a raid. Not in a 5 man. Waste of mana.

In 5 mans, your healer was likely to be a 21/0/30 Ret Paladin that tossed out the occasional Flash of Light but auto-attacked with SoC up in the mean time.

I’ll add two more caveats to this; not including turn-based combat RPGs or systems that infinitely give shields for overhealing, which I’m not sure exists anywhere.

TBC didn’t have 100% uptime. I have a few questions I hope you can answer for me. Is the 100% healing uptime based around a fresh capped 60, or someone in mythic gear? Or do the healing requirements scale with gear? Is the 100% healing uptime required in a +2, a +5, a +16, or a +25? Do you think anyone incapable of perfect play should just unsub? If healing has a 100% uptime requirement, a single point of avoidable damage is death 100% of the time.

I haven’t played many turn based RPGs where you’re tossing out Curagas every round. Replaying Gold Box AD&D at the moment, the healer is mostly using Hold Person and hitting things with his mace, only tossing out a Cure Serious Wounds once in a while on the front line Fighter/Paladin/Ranger trio.

Heck, Rosa in end game FF IV doesn’t spend all her turns dishing out Cure 4s.


I haven’t either, but I think in most of them you could theoretically full send it on 100% uptime. Would never do it myself, though.