People be playing FFXIV too much, healers dont dps in WoW

And ? Devotion Aura is also a trivial DR.

But if your Paladin is there, you’ll appreciate he pushes the button.

WoW is a game where the principle of “A death of a thousand cuts” applies.

So again we go back : why do you care your Ret is not using Avenging Wrath ?

No one died, you timed the key.

It’s like saying “Why do you care to study so much, you scored way too high over the passing grade”.


I dont know if youve been following, but my responses have been born out of a thread I read last week in which a player said he would kick a healer out of his M+ if he didnt do damage - even if they were going to make the key.

I didnt like that. Seemed like a mean spirited and unnecessary thing to do. 4-5% of damage missed out on, when the healer is doing his actual job well - I dont think its right. Thats all this whole thing is about.

I dont disagree that filling in unused globals for damage is top-play, but I dont think its necessary unless youre at a point where the key wont be finished without that extra 5%

That thread was 100% bait, noone would actually do that. And even if you did get kicked and they finished the key, you’d still be eligible for loot. That said, you shouldn’t really base your entire opposition on a troll topic like that.

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A 2000 post thread were only OP ever said that.

So basically you’re having an emotional reaction to a single inflammatory post, which is preventing you from approaching the discussion rationally.

In a typical +15 key healer dps is usually ~10% actually, according to recent m+ warcraftlogs least, you are free to browse few yourself but essentially healer does ~10% of the groups dps, usually having similar dps and hps numbers. The hew +20s or so I saw healers were doing more dps than hps.

This is just how it is and its because dps stops standing in everything bad and tanks start to know their mitigation resulting in less avoidable damage taken.

Many agreed with the OP. Many agree here.

This is a gross misrepresentation of what was discussed in that thread and here.

No, not many agree with “kicking a healer from a key” because that is 1- dumb since it bricks the key 2- useless since even if you finish he still gets loot.

What people are saying though is that if a healer is doing nothing in the downtime in a key, they’re likely to make a mental note and not invite that healer again. Same as you wouldn’t invite a DPS that doesn’t pop his 2 minute cooldown again.

It’s pretty moot : Most healers get bored enough in most content they will naturally do damage on their own without even asking. I’ve yet to run a dungeon where the healer doesn’t appear at all on the damage meter.


Pretty sure I gone trough the whole thread here, I cant remember single “kick healer for not doing dps in a key” takes. There are plenty of if healer doesnt contribute to dps during downtime they wont get invited in the future type of takes.

And I see nothing wrong with wanting ppl to contribute in making the key smooth - I am not in practice on handing out free carries.


I agree that healers should DPS, I don’t agree that healers should be kicked for not doing DPS. I’m just not gonna group with them again.

Anyone who is in the group when the key starts is eligible for loot when the key ends. How punished would you feel if you got booted and 10 minutes later you had a staff sitting in your mailbox and a completed key in your GV?


To be honest

Having to DPS is the biggest reason as a healer I will never play FF14

Except its not a fee carry. Check the healing done. The healer will have fulfilled his role. No one died. Healer is top heals. Key completed.

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Oh my sweet summerchild, healers arent beating tanks in healing meters currently. There is so little avoidable damage taken in higher keys the healing checks really dont go up much from +15 to +20.

If you are semi afk cause there is nothing to heal, Im gonna call it a free carry if you didnt pay for it.

No one likes the sudden boot from the run. Its a bad feeling, even if you do get the loot. It would be made worse by the fact that it was not because I failed at my main role, but it was because I didnt participate in a second role.

It could be that Blizzard is going this direction as a design doc: Healers will have to do less healing, therefore opening up globals for damage. Thats fine - but seems to be a shift from the classic trinity roles.

I just can’t agree with this. The trinity was born from DnD. Ever heard of a cleric or druid that doesn’t have attack spells slotted?

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Key completion is not the only goal in M+.

Im thinking more of Everquest and Vanilla WoW. Healers always kind of stood around - maybe throw a stun here or there.

Modern WoW is miles away from DnD.

…but, why is this good or sought after? If I pay to play a game, I wanna play it…not sit around and watch all my friends play it.


I’m going to assume you didn’t play. Healers didn’t stand around and not DPS in EQ, either. I can barely speak for contemporary Vanilla, since I hated the game and never reached max or played it seriously until Wrath.

You watch the fight play out - and play a reactionary part. Youre doing a different kind of role. DPS can kind of tunnel on their target, especially if they know when to avoid big damage. Healers have to keep an eye on all the players and the mobs. Its fun.

I never minded it - I liked watching the dps and tank do their jobs.

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Yeah they did. Mana was a big issue. Clerics just healed. Yeah, Shaman had some minor damage spells, but they were more of a buffer and debuffer - but healing was first. Healers did not do any significant damage in EQ.