People be playing FFXIV too much, healers dont dps in WoW

I mean… I’m not going to cry that hard that getting a piece of Mythic midboss-quality loot in your vault every week is going to require a bit more skill and effort.

Sure… I’ll equip a wand for the next +15 I do. (and for the record, I dps as a healer… real dps… not wanding)

Some will though. Hehe. I think this is going to be quite the surprise. Thats a pretty big jump - from 15 to 22?

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Yes, this is indeed what I meant. Most healers don’t exactly have complicated DPS ‘rotations’.

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Hey maybe it’ll encourage healers who were otherwise coasting and plateauing in a +15 to pick up some new skills… like contributing damage during downtime.

Dude, you understand that my comment was literally about Vanilla. Now you’re trying to shift the premise to Legion+… lol.

Side note, I can practically AFK +15’s as a healer. It’s chill content. Healer DPS doesn’t matter even up to +20’s currently.

Yes, in this thread a few posts up, Adikith the DH showed a chart from a run where the healer did about 8% of the total damage.

Now what Ill say is 8% is not insignificant. It would have been less had she done more damage (bazinga :wink:).

It also increases the relative ilvl in vault, to get same you get now you only need +16 done, which with the tuning changes according to list on wowhead would be same as tuning for 17,5 currently. So not as big jump but yes, there will be tears but these changes are not necessarily bad thing.

First of all, M+ “only” players now can access higher ilvl than in past. Secondly, heroic raiding was in a weird spot and I remember Ion commenting on it in some interview. Essentially due how easy/high gear vault gave, lot of ppl raiding heroic didnt really need gear from it.

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This is clearly the motivation for moving the key levels up. We will see what happens. It could have a negative effect on M+ participation. We have to gauge the difficulty of the mythic dungeons.

Yeah. Raiding had the edge in Mythic difficulty, since M+ literally could not offer gear at as high an ilvl as Mythic endbosses dropped… but since +15s could be farmed for Heroic gear once valor was uncapped it ended up being a strictly superior gearing method to raid at every other difficulty. Doubly so since raids no longer had exclusive claim to tier sets.

Pls give another example. Paladin healing is DPSin. Of course, he has to dps.

On your future sample of healing, show me that he really DPS’d, not from Convoke or from their Tier set bonus. I wanna see a significant damage. Becoz on me, i regard all my healers dps negligible. Why ask them to dps if it’s negligible?

When 3 dps’ers die and the tank die too, do i still hope the healer would be able to kill the Boss by himself?

On the Proving grounds, does it require a healer to dps to pass it?

You guys do what you want. But on my content which Elitist could call it trivial, i would not require my healer to dps… on orbs yes, but helping on Boss, i would just tell him to keep us alive and we would take care of the kills.

In my 18 years of WoW, i have never seen a Healer saved us from his DPS. Wanding? Just keep me alive, and let my Ashkandi or Shadowmourne do the DPS for you.


I try very hard not to use the word “require.” I’m not compelling anyone to do anything. When I say, “you should do this” I’m saying it because it’s a good idea and it gives you better results from not doing so. Would you say I was forcing someone to play a certain way if I told a new Feral that they should keep track of their bleed snapshots and only refresh their bleeds during the pandemic timer? Or is that just sound advice to play better?

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I feel like there’s only like 5 people going around making the same topic Just to get peoples goat and argue.

Then there isn’t a need to kick DPS just because they don’t use every available cooldown.

But like everyone said multiple times : it’s not a question of helping, it’s just a question of filling downtime.

Which is actually more easily done in lower keys than higher keys.

No they don’t.

That 3.5k isnt actually even that large, I looked at random log from warcraftlogs, which seems to be a boosting run but not sure thats too relevant for this point. I guess I cant post links here but the numbers for resto shaman was 6.5k dps, 5k hps

Edit, dungeon being +16 JY

I mean, probably. But, this particular topic is very near and dear to me, so I am happy to engage at every opportunity.

you know that’s season 4 right when pally has been nerf badly :wink:

you know pally isn’t a druid right? Are you high right now?

Oh wait the pally isn’t a ventyr. How can they dps not being a ventyr. Oh my!!!

know what you wont get on DF? Those mythic gear that carried you to ksm :wink: goodluck

I hear that but the amount of damage is kind of trivial. If no one dies the entire run, the key is made, and the healer stood around - you missed out on 4-5% of the total damage. Eh…:man_shrugging:

Am I the only person who remembers raid healing specifically being constant spam of downranked heals?

I get that wanding was a thing in 5 man content when you or the tank outgeared it and was taking pulls significantly smaller than necessary but I remember constantly spamming those heals and abusing the esc key to conserve mana during a raid

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Those were the good ol’ days. Conserving mana was a thing and I liked it.