People are selling Mythic Siege clears

You get 4 bones per heroic garrosh and 1 per normal kill.

So 20 normal kills or 5 heroic for tusks.

My 2 cents. Since all the froggers are at ilvl cap or very close to it, they need to reduce upgrade costs by half to let everyone else atleast pretend to catch up on ilvl

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I am full 346 with no upgrades and do top 5 dps every pull and never die unless its a raid wipe. Normal is ez.

I have ran SoO a few times, many not even level 70. On alts to get the exp boost. Its not even hard. The only fight with a tiny bit of difficulty is garrosh. MAybe the paragons.


being invited as a non frog is nearly impossible. LFR does not drop a lot :expressionless:


Thatā€™s not true. Iā€™m not Frogger, and Iā€™m 1.7M HP now by using LFR.

Yeah the normal gear looks like nothing, 20 or so jump in stats but the weapons jump like 200-300 in stats every upgrade.

Cloak stats pale in comparison to gear scaling. Itā€™s a marathon, and not a race.

Iā€™ve cracked 400 iLvl, and Iā€™ve largely reached the point where I can one-tap mobs in the open world. I was already soloing Galleon days ago with far less upgrades.

Upgrade gear to get as powerful as you want, and then start investing into the cosmetics you want. You can do it at 346, but clearing the harder content will be a barrier without a carry.

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Iā€™m not a frogger and in tank spec I have 1.6M health.

Problem with this game is that you MUST farm every day now if you did not frog, and that means every raid on HC or normal or LFR and the bonus quests, meaning a scenario and a dungeon also.

Mate of mine within the first week was doing all raids and all that jazz, before all the nerfs and changes and was spending upwards of 10-12 hours a day, who has that time? After they made all the first changes and scaling fixes and all that, and people started getting stronger they have still been spending 2-3 hours a day doing content.

I doubt anyone signed up to this expecting a retail experience in disguise. It was advertised as OP and fun, itā€™s a little OP, but itā€™s certainly not fun having to run raids and dungeons daily, I could have done that on retail.

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I ran a normal SoO with one of those heavy grinded frog farmers. Normally it would take a few hours to clear siege since more players were undergeared or new, as we had to plan a strategy or explain mechanics. I walked out 1 hour later with another bone, way less time than normal.

And I didnā€™t have to pay squat.


Heh, here come the sanctions.

No, you can never be this powerful in retail. I spend 4 hours daily, and I only need 14 days to upgrade my gears fully. If you can only invest 1 hour daily, it will take 52 days. This is only half of the event.

I can spend 4 hours a day in retail and also be strong enough to clear end game mythic content with a group of other like minded players.

Just because it looks OP, does not mean it is.

Last night I ran normal Abberus with I think 14 people, 2 part time healers, a part time tank, an alt tank and most people on their alts, yet we done it with minimal issues.

Over here on Remix I am still seeing reports of people struggling in a normal raid.

This is just retail in disguise.

Nope. In retail, even if you fully upgrade your gear, you still canā€™t ignore most mechanisms in H raid. But you can do this in remix. Thatā€™s different. The ceiling is much, much, much higher in remix.

If the normal raid in a remix is hard for some ppl, theyā€™ll keep wiping until everyone leaves the group when facing the first boss in any retail raids. :smile:

Easy fix, LFR Should drop 1 Bones of Manaroth or it should be a daily quest for completing SoO.


So how much are they selling for? Hehe

Tell that to guilds who can full clear retail heroic raids in like 45 minutes.

Even my guild who is not the greatest, we still try and kill each other with some mechanics and are able to down bosses, you can certainly ignore and bypass many heroic mechanics in retail.

Forget the mythic sellers, just get a group and go run whatever difficulty you want. Nothing was put into this game mode thats unobtainable or unbeatable.

This entirely is the issue. Donā€™t waste early bronze on your mogs, put it back into your character and youā€™ll be able to farm bronze much MUCH more efficiently due to the massive jumps in power scaling that come with upgrades. Just 3 days in and I can solo normal raids already without killing a single frogā€¦

Yes, which is what I done, and even after gaining like 99% of my bronze from raids and dungeons and spending it on upgrades I still am sitting only at 376 iLVL.

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