People are selling Mythic Siege clears

Out of curiosity, have you completed the achievements to get your accessory pieces?

Did you read the title?

Just did a normal siege last night. Went much better than expected.

No wipes, few deaths here and there on boss fights.

Lost half the raid to the iron stars and the remainder still managed to kill him w/o a problem.

Going to try a heroic run today.

Skill issues happen.

So, just like retail.

Skill issue.

Learn the mechanics, that’s all it boils down to.

If any mode should have everything locked behind LFR, it’s this temporary one. No matter what, they aren’t going to make people PUG who don’t want to PUG already.

The harder the content the better the rewards should always be the reward pattern.

I disagree. I think the returns should be significantly diminishing as they move away from the average playerbase.

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You’re welcome to disagree but I can’t think of a single game out there that rewards players better for doing less.

Not even the discussion. That’s your spin on it. But I can think of plenty of games that don’t require so much independent time for one bit of manually-formed group content. The first one that comes to mind is the other popular MMO I play.

WoW’s group content design is draconian.

It’s literally what I replied to you for. lol

You’re welcome to your opinion but you’ll never receive the best stuff for simply existing.

And you’re welcome to your opinions, as edgy and weird as they are. Maybe it’s just poor wording, but you seem to be having your own separate discussion here.

TL/DR: Time-limited game mode doesn’t benefit from putting things in premade group content that requires incredible time investments. The issue here is the time required for one thing, not the difficulty of the content itself.

Blizzard makes their raids way too long. The achievement requires more time investment per activity than is reasonable for this event, hence the putting it in LFR. If they broke up other difficulties into similar independent wings, I’d be supportive of that as well.

That align with probably every other mmorpg out there? Yeah, so edgy, so weird. lol

Ah, I see. You struggle with reading and/or comprehension. Have a good day on whatever pedestal you’re trying to climb on.

BuT wHaT oThErS dO iN tHe GaMe dOeSn’T aFfEcT mE… :crazy_face:

Yeah I read the thread title…for a pointless thread. How is people selling mythic clears effecting you getting a group and running mythic SoO yourself?

It doesn’t help that with your gear at 402 (your average is like 380 because of the trinkets/etc.), you feel WAY too strong for normal, but WAY too weak for heroic.

Like what progression is there supposed to be?