People are selling Mythic Siege clears

I play once to twice a week. That’s roughly 4-8+ times a month. I need 3 months, sar.

Then we’re in agreement - you should have 3 months (or more, IMO) to be able to finish the content in a reasonable amount of play time like 1-2 times a week. Given your total available 12-24 times during the event, you should be very concerned if the players who are playing many hours every day are not done in the first couple weeks, because it means you will have no chance.


Wouldn’t matter if it was doable in a week - I need the event to last 3 months so I can get that week of play.

That’s why they put event ranges like 94 days.

I would like these to just be in-game queue activities versus events so they are, as said, accessible forever.

But that removes the power of FOMO.

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The dev’s in charge of this event really expected people to follow a retail like progression on a limited time EVENT?

It’s that bad the out of touch?


That makes them extra hard in siege, imagine trying to get to dark animus from the beach in siege…

It would have been so amazing if they had done a PTR for this, and had all of these metrics, and a whole bunch of forum posts about most of these issues before releasing this… They did and the information they needed to not have these problems was all at their fingertips.

The problem is the recycling code. Instead of making a reward currency for mop remix, they recycled lesser bronze coins of Fortune. They recycled some of the code from plunder storm for the abilities. There is nothing wrong with this recycling as long as you end up with something other than Frankenstein when you’re done.


What are they selling them for? Gold is useless in Remix. Real money?

This whole debacle reminds me of FFXI and the ‘Absolute Virtue’ kills that they kept rolling back and declaring ‘that didn’t count’. Creative kiting? Didn’t count. Encounter-specific rotations developed for massive DPS in short windows? Nope, that didn’t count. LOS the boss so your support characters were safe from targeting? Apparently a ‘terrain exploit’ (gotta wonder in this context if Arena Pillaring is an exploit or just ‘advanced gameplay’). Nothing the playerbase did was deemed ‘correct’ by the devstaff and was subsequently rolled back.

It got so bad the dev team was pressured to put out a video of just how you’re supposed to beat the encounter. Except the video was super vague about its methodology and it got patched later on!

AV was probably supposed to be FFXI’s ‘Sleeper’ (for you EQ fans), yet I believe SOE let the Sleeper kill stand when a group actually managed to down it.

My point is, Blizzard is failing to understand the purpose not just of their own mode but also the point of the farm; to beat the pants-on-head stupid scaling they’ve introduced into max-level play. This is why I will trumpet to my dying days that level scaling is always a detriment to any game it’s put into, because all it does is rob the player of their strength for the crime of daring to level up.

Blizzard needs to embrace the speed of Remix and let every player reach those heights of power, not force everyone to crawl through glass begging for more Bronze.


I’ve been here every day trying to find farms, running LFR minimum for the bonuses, heroic and normal dungeons and scenarios, I have spent everything on gear and still I am only 360 iLVL across the board.

I need like 450K bronze to finish my upgrades.

I also brought a couple of mounts for like 10K total, which is TWO WHOLE UPGRADE LEVELS for one piece of gear.

It’s insane how expensive it is.

If I farm hours of dungeons back to back I will walk out with 20-30K bronze per night, I need still 112 upgrades left across all my gear, working out the maths I might be able to upgrade 6 times a day if I do nothing but dungeons, over and over, every, single, day.

That would take me around 40-50 days of dungeons, 2-3 hours a day, just to upgrade all my gear.

Yeh, on a 3 months game mode, spending half of it just upgrading gear and not buying a single cosmetic or mount. Not raiding, not doing world bosses, not spending any time doing anything but dungeons.

Maybe after 30-40 days I might be strong enough to do mythic siege, maybe. But will there even be anyone left at that point?

You have no idea how expensive it is to upgrade and how little you gain, 30K bronze sounds like a lot per day, but you are doing nothing else, no retail, no raiding, no life, just dungeons for weeks.

By the time I got to level 70 the frog farm was already nerfed and I started on day 1.

What you are meant to say is “Some people have no life and are able to abuse game mechanics to their advantage and gate keep everyone else out”.


Blizz is doing that thing where they get so infatuated with how long something “should” take us, that they can’t see anything else.

The gear upgrading costs are literally the only thing holding this game mode back, imo. Why spend 40-50 days farming 600k bronze when you can just spend that 600k on the actual REWARDS of the event? It literally doesn’t make sense lol. Blizz is so stuck on holding their ground on these upgrade costs that their priority for the game mode is centered on “time to upgrade gear” over the actual permanent rewards of the event.

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100% missing the point.

I never said I am having issues getting into groups, or that I don’t make my own groups, because I do, that’s not the problem.

I did normal SoO with full ilevel 388 gear and defensive gems just fine outside of some wonky mechanics that would blast me to near death with all my shields going.

I’m 360 now, so maybe in like 3-4 days I could be high enough to also barely survive a NORMAL raid…

Can’t wait until I have spent 2 months farming just for a chance at mythic and realise I cannot do it, then quit and rue the day that I should have just brought all the cosmetics.

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doesn’t your title say that people are selling mythic siege clears? that seems like an option you could evaluate, correct?

Yeh very funny mate, not going to spend 4M gold just for this.

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‘if people are struggling on normal raids’

I don’t understand. Normal raids are straightforward. I have done many of them, and I am sure that people are able to ignore most of the mechanics.

ok what you do is run a heroic raid and only invite people who are like 420+, then each boss dies within 15-20 seconds.

there ya go, easy breezy bronze.

Easier said than done. For many players they won’t even try until they feel like they are ready to not just be a carpet feature on the floor, and by the time they get anywhere near close to being somewhat ready most of those 420+ players will have stopped playing.

That’s the problem, players who are OP will be done soon, players who did not frog will simply have no one left who are strong enough or competent enough to do the content.

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Why do I have to do H raid when the N raids are efficient enough?

I got more than 35k bronze by clearing N raids, and I only need 14 days to fully upgrade my gears. Isn’t this fast enough?

In a normal season, like S1, S2, S3 during DF, it usually takes months.

i never said you HAD to do heroic raids…

i was just saying, if someone wants to be the most efficient possible, they would do the heroic raids because that gives you the most bronze per hour.

if you did nothing but a quick clear of all the normal raids daily, you would have enough bronze to buy everything you wanted in like two weeks max.