People are selling Mythic Siege clears

Was wondering when this was gonna start to happen…

An absolute circus since the frog fiasco…



The reason wealthy people have money is because they are willing to invest.

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I did just a few on my leveling gear yesterday and got a metric ton of stats

You need 20 bones as well from doing normal, heroic, and mythic siege of org garrosh.

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So they suck then?

Pugged it last night? Use ward from a majority of the raid and you can randomly one tap most bosses.

It’s stupid fast.

Honestly if you were like 388 and around 2k main stat/secondaries on your cloak you’d probably breeze through siege anyways if you did mechanics. It’s not hard.

it’s not really “”“fast”“” if you get people failing mechanics and ragequitting when people dont 1 shot things if you do things on the normal way tho…

Groups fall apart really fast if they are not willing to stick to overcome their failures…

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And? what is the issue? MAKE. YOUR. OWN. GROUP.

I must’ve been getting lucky then because I’ve not had the usual rage quitting dipsticks I usually pug into on retail in this event.

If there’s a wipe, people will explain a mechanic and we try again.

I haven’t even played sense the 5th day. It’s obvious this game mode was going nowhere positive a week in. The white knights are just trying to silence it.


You’re asuming way too much of pugs. I’ve seen people still failing mechanics after being explained several times… (galakras biggest offender I’ve seen on this mode) and you have to wait more to replace people and most end up giving up and leaving…

I’m gonna drop it here seems we’re going to agree to disagree.


I don’t blame people for doing frogs in a game mode advertised as over-powered. I do blame Blizzard for not letting everyone else have the same chance; and I am especially willing to blame whatever portion of players got that chance, realized it was unintended, and then turned their exclusive gift into a cash-extortion method. Those specific players (only, not all froggers) deserve a look at being banned or rolled back in my opinion, if for no other reason than they make Blizzard’s game look bad to everyone else.


I didn’t farm frogs and I’ve done a Garrosh kill consistently every day. Sure it takes a little patience but I’ve gotten through it. Bought two heirlooms already, 18 kills to go. And almost 90 days to do it in.

Btw it’s getting easier every day as people get powered up, and they nerf things.

Rmt sales were coming no matter what. I’m not justifying it or condoning it, but it was going to happen and all of us know that.

Because the froggers amassed piles of bronze to spend where everyone else is stuck with very little against a long list of cosmetics that use the same currency.

Also given how this was advertised by leaning into ‘leveling alts fast’ and ‘collect cool cosmetics’ while having access to ‘OP fun and whacky abilities’, the whole idea of upgrading gear using the same currency as cosmetics is idiotic.

The cost of upgrades versus currency income is just a double down on the giant middle finger to the players.


Those bosses are not in SoO…

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This whole debacle was been such a complete disaster.

I I just hope they don’t get discouraged from trying something fun and new in the future. But man, do they need a better QA process.


The gist of this post is that you’re mad you aren’t clearing the hardest content for the event one week into said event?

The only reason anyone is anywhere near that is due to the exploit. Remove them and we’re all back on the same playing field and you won’t feel like you are behind…because honestly, you aren’t.

94 day event that everyone is trying to beat in 7 days or less.

This is a complete mis-characterization of the complaint.


If “everyone” is expressing that they feel 7 days is the right amount of time to invest in this content, then maybe Blizzard ought to be paying attention.

I like that the event is available for 90 days (although “forever” would be the right answer for this and all other content in my opinion.) I do not like at all the idea of the event requiring 90 days to experience the massive OP-ness and collectable haul that was promised in the ads.


Maybe from how you read it.

The comparisons are only coming from those who are only able to do what they do based on exploits.

Remove the exploiters and you are left with what?

Scaling issues? Being addressed.
Bronze acquisition and costs? Being addressed.
Speed of power gain? Being addressed.

I’m sure there are a lot more minor tiffs players have, but they are actively patching the core mechanics of the game to try and bring everyone more in-line with how the community is responding. Albeit slowly.