People are reporting Zombies for killing players, be careful not to get auto-banned!

Ok bro. I get that you just walked into this discussion thats going on since Monday so I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt here, but yeah. Go take a walk through this thread, and the countless posts sharing info disproving exactly what you said here

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You believe them when they said they had an error but you exclude the part where they said the suspensions were not automated.

Selectively believing Blizzard where it’s convenient to your false narrative.

They don’t care about proof or evidence, their entire talking point is “I’m right, and you’re wrong” lol. They see any conversation about this as being essentially meaningless and will never give an inch.

I haven’t even responded to that Delimicus guy yet he keeps responding me the same message he reworded a thousand times from 5 days ago when I first met him on the forums, these people can’t be reasoned with as they reached their conclusion emotionally not logically.

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The only thing reporting should do is remove you from the BG, even if it was unfair. That’s it.

Anything beyond that, as the video that proves the automation, is draconic and has no place in a video game.

I get annoyed by AFKers too, but I prefer to give them the benefit of the doubt. We’ve all had to AFK in the past, emergency or not.

:person_shrugging: Gotta learn somehow

We’re just going to camp him out with our boostie rogues since they are on his server. Hes about to be a lot more angry on the forums since he wont be able to do anything in game other than hide in town.

Actions meet consequences :smiley:

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Cool, hopefully the ban the griefers

Yep. Thats what made me decide to level my dk there

Once again, you are citing the BG mass reporting as proof that people are mass reporting for playing as a zombie during the wrath event.

If you can’t understand how that doesn’t line up, then something is wrong with your brain.

Every single time someone has threatened me on these forums, absolutely nothing has come from it. The last time I was camped in-game, I walked away and cleaned my stove.

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So again… Mass reporting is the exact same action regardless of the venue.

I’m starting to think you’re the one with the TBI here…

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I’m so thankful for the opportunity to type LF1M Tank in the lookingforgroup channel. This is the peak of socialization I had hoped for.


How they never thought “no one will abuse this feature” is beyond me…


That’s another lie. The number of people asking me to come back to play after taking a break was significant.

Didn’t staysafe make a vid showing the report feature will auto kick/silence/ keep from inviting/etc…? it only took like 40 people to do it too.

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You should probably take a break from the forums. Harassing others is not tolerated here.

Judging by your post history you should take your own advice.

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He probably should have went with another lie instead of calling me an anti semite. I don’t think I’ve even EVER said the “J” word in discord in three years of raiding with these guys.

My guild wants to know why you’re hiding on an alt, Chornobyl.

Why were the majority of bans overturned if someone already looked at them first? Stop being so naive.

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Difference is I don’t harass others.

Seems like he’s just throwing everything at the wall to see what sticks.