There are people actively mass reporting those who turned to zombies and those who are infecting others.
Seems like the same salty players who false reported in AVs are the ones false reporting the zombies, be careful out there.
There are people actively mass reporting those who turned to zombies and those who are infecting others.
Seems like the same salty players who false reported in AVs are the ones false reporting the zombies, be careful out there.
The report feature needs to be removed. Completely.
Hilarious how toxic the “community” has made this game in 2022, on a whole variety of fronts.
The BGs are being taken over by degenerates that have nothing better to do that impose their own self-worth on others.
yeah blizzard is bringing us closer together tho by removing RDF dont worry no more toxic
Thank goodness we’re protecting this amazing community from the scourge of easy group forming.
They should suspend people that falsely trigger automated bans for non bannable stuff. Reverse uno card them.
When you think you will play a fantasy game to escape reality and find out that it has more restrictions and rules than you have in real life…
I like that with each passing day since pre-patch, I have grown from fond memories of a game I loved to repressed spite towards the company and community.
Blizzard is a case study on how to take something functional, and break it in every possible way.
Classic: The nostalgic experience sprinkled with modern issues.
Blizz needs to start banning people for abusing the report funtion or remove it all together. Idc which.
The report feature needs to be removed. This community can’t handle it properly clearly.
No one needs to worry about being reported for participating in the event. Players can’t auto-ban other players with right-click reports. Players do not have GM banning powers with extra steps.
Wrong. Hit that magic threshold like what happened Monday and boom suspension until its appealed. This guy has zero clue what hes talking about.
Why is everyone still convinced that people are banned without human input?
This is 100% false and at this point you are propagating disinformation. Players do not have GM banning powers with extra steps.
Don’t bother arguing with him, his last 50 posts are going off on the same exact spam about how it’s not automated lol. He’s just trying to get a rise out of people.
Yeah just flag him on the forums, let’s see if he doesn’t get an automated vacation
If people legit get banned bc the blizz robot is just blasting ppl with the ban shotgun with a blindfold on for being a zombie…DURING THE ZOMBIE PREPATCH EVENT, I will 100% laugh my butt off.
Fix your automation.
I won’t because forum “vacations” aren’t automated either. I’m not going to be suspended for telling the truth and correcting disinformation. Not going to happen, sorry.