I just got back from a long break, and have no idea what everybody is talking about. That said, judging from the complaints, I’m worried about what I might be getting myself into.
I think it’s because people don’t know to find their spell book and you can switch your flying style there. You can even put the button on your bars so you can switch easier. At least a lot of complaints I see are about flying.
The button will literally change it back how it’s always been.
Haven’t quit yet since i can still toggle to use old flying but if they add anything more to allow me to use old flying in TWW then yea I am done.
There are many changes that made me feel like I am done.
Class is even more unbalance with the pre patch updated
Hero talent varies a lot for different class/spec. Mage, Warlock DK and Pally hero talent is so much better than rogue, DH, Hunter not just in terms how it works with the spec. how fun they are and how visually they are better. You can see this in the alpha and beta how some class gets tuning and hero talent update weekly while other class waited for weeks or months with no updated. Again blizzard totally only wants to work on certain class they like
-The nerf to tanks. I had a chance to test out a few keys on my Port pally, Guardian druid and berw last night. Most of them are ilvl 519 to 524. Low m+ keys almost no change but higher keys 8 and up yea you feel the nerf and is not fun. I expect at the apporiate ilvl for the key level you are doing you are going to feel the nerf. Now i am not the not top 1% heck most likely not even top 50% I only play to KSH and get vaults do keys around 8 to 10 range. I also know I make mistake and even before the nerf I still need the healers help. With this change it made tanking unfun, frustrating for me at least.
- The nerf to melee range. Again stupid move on blizzard’s part. If you look at the M+ and Raid it heavily favours range. Just look at this whole expansion in M+ the meta is always to run range from S1 to S4 and it looks like with TWW it will be same thing. Range is way way better in m+ and blizzard thing somehow melee dps needs a nerf? This change will just push the meta comp even more towards range
Yay! And while they are at that point also remove PF shenanigans for TWW.
Indeed…a quality of life issue and that the static flight ability has been completely removed from some mounts. It would be weird for me to use the Sky Riding ability with the Red Flying Cloud, but less weird than using Sky Riding on my Priestess’ Moonsaber which is possible. I’ve already changed to using Reins of the Onyxian Drake and am pleased I get to use it again, yet still believe that static flying could have been retained on some mounts (instead of being completely removed) without having to “switch flight style”.
People also really love dynamic flight.
Most of the balancing that’s been happening on beta is based on level 80 with full hero talents.
Pre-patch is always going to be a balance mess.
That happened. So dramatic…
Assuming the client is stable you will find out soon enough.
Been doing it for the past 2 years JUST FINE thanks.
That’s literally not even possible. At WoWs peak in wrath, they had just over 12 million subscribers.
People love to make things up.
Na, the rep stuff is lamer, imo.
Even in beta some spec are doing way more damage and not to mention you can clearly see which class blizzard heavily favours with the hero talents. Mages and Warlocks was getting weekly updates while hunter, rouges, shammy got nothing for weeks or months.
Of all the things to get upset about…people choose this?
Yeah, but those people aren’t on the wow forums complaining about a 5 second toggle.
Did they though?
Now, now. No one is doing anything crazy like quitting over the change unless they were on the edge anyway.
Take it from Thero Tinside, I know this stuff!
You gotta pad the “play Time” and “Engagement” metric somehow. I just keep it on standard flight.
I doubt that many people are switching from the two different flight options that often to really have an impact.
My best advice is to pick one then forget about it.
To be clear, those mounts can still do static/steady flight if you have static/steady flight toggled on for all your mounts.
They simply cannot fly at all when you have dynamic/skyriding toggled on, so they cannot be used to get around the “I have to spend 5 seconds changing flight modes” problem.