People are literally Un-subbing because of the Dynamic Flight Change

I like turtles

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Very smart and you showcase why you are also a valued member of the greater WoW community.


:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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You’d think turn on skyriding and just Zoooom to the next gathering node/world quest would be more gold per hour. Or maybe they are super bad at crashing landing on target.

You might want to read until the end of my post :slight_smile: I did state that TWW works like Dragonflight did regarding flight. Anywhere else in the game can be toggled and will still be able to be toggled.

Shares coffee

:coffee: :bubble_tea:


Oh geez. Really dude? You want to use me as a scapegoat to make your point in other threads now? Fine then. Here was my response to your post.

I haven’t seen any evidence that the reason for this change was to prevent, as you call it, “degenerate playstyle.” If it was, then I struggle to understand why said playstyle was deliberately left in the game as a toggle when it could have very easily been disabled entirely. All of the communication from Blizzard seems to indicate that the point of this change was to allow players to skyride with their entire mount collection rather than just the handful of mounts introduced in Dragonflight, but it appears to have had a couple of side effects. Whether Blizzard is okay with these side effects or not I couldn’t say, but I’ll offer my feedback on them regardless.

It certainly wouldn’t be the first time Blizzard has made a change that didn’t play well with Druid shapeshifting and got patched up later. They tend to forget about us a lot.

And for what it’s worth, I don’t think this is overall a bad change. Enabling skyriding for nearly every mount can’t be described as anything other than fantastic. But the change is still fairly new so I’ll provide my feedback describing my experience with it in the meantime. Including my unique experience as a Druid.


I don’t know, and I honestly don’t care.
If folks are upset about the change and want to whine, sure. I’m still gonna tell people why the change was made and whether people elect to be ignorent or not at that point I can’t do anything about.

But honestly these posts pisses me off because they basically just use disabled people as a rhetorical cudel instead of treating people as people. Safe to say, ableist-rhetoric pisses me off a great deal!


Yup they took players that would stay subbed during content draughts and most left or play a lot less since that fateful Memorial Day weekend during WoD.

Never forget and never forgive.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Are you counting the person who was caught red handed lying about being too disabled to dragonride, while having multiple gold medals on dragonriding courses?

Go try and land on a mountain peak or tree branch with skyriding or fly node to node as you run out of vigor and then get back to me about how superior it is.

Both have their uses, punishing people for swapping serves no purpose other than wasting peoples time and causing irritation.


TBC normal flying is adored by many people which is why it must be protected at all costs. Remove PF requirements as that is full on shenanigans!


:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


I’d bet money they didn’t actually quit over such a minor change.

Or if they did quit, it was over something else, and this is just something they know will get attention if they claim it was the reason.

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Like I said we just don’t think alike. You see the TBC flying as “degenerate” and I do not. I am a farmer. idk how you play the game but for me the truth is YES, my accessibility has been limited by this change and that is my experience.


This. The problem is we’ve had a year or so to pick our flight speed simply by landing and changing mount (1.5 second cast, or instant for druid flight form); now it’s a 5 second cast.

It’s not a huge change, but it feels like an absolutely unnecessary added inconvenience, and that’s why people are p***ed off.




Wow, this might be more fun than I was thinking.

Is this change account wide, or do we have to do this for each toon?

It was possible to choose before this change. And was less of an effort to make the choice.

It was called a keybind. And it was instant. Not some stupid toggle.

Stop pretending like they added an option here. They just forced players to choose one or the other with a delay for making the choice.


Then I look forward to you providing the blue post saying as such.

Neither skyriding nor legacy flying are considered degenerate on their own nor is the ability to freely toggle between them while grounded. Given that that’s literally the system we have currently implemented. I think that system is perfectly fine and I continue to use both legacy flight and skyriding in the same way I did before the patch, just with a 5 second channel between them. I don’t hotswap flight styles in midair. The only thing I’m asking for is for the toggle to be mount-by-mount instead of global. (And I would set Flight Form as one of my mounts that used legacy flying.) Given how you can’t freely swap mounts in midair, only while grounded, I’m not sure why you think such a system is significantly more degenerate that what was introduced in the game during yesterday’s prepatch.

Classes are allowed to have nice things that other classes don’t and Flight Form has been one of Druid’s signature nice things since TBC.

I honestly have no idea what you’re trying to say here but the gist seems to be that you don’t think disabilities should be used as an argument to justify degenerative play. Which I agree with and if you look very very closely, you will notice I have not mentioned disabilities once either in this thread or the other one. So I’m not sure why you’re coming at me about it. I would thank you to not put words in my mouth.


They did, though.

Stay mad about it, I guess. I’ll be doing barrel rolls with my Dreadwake lol