People are literally Un-subbing because of the Dynamic Flight Change

What change? Adding skyriding to all mounts and allowing you to select which mode you want? Or what am I missing? Because skyriding is one of the best additions this game has ever seen.

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People unsub and return all the time.
People say they are going to unsub and never do.
People unsub because they really are leaving and never come back no matter what changes are done in the game, because yep they are just done with play the game period.
In 20 years of this game you have had more people quit than you ever had at any one time play the game, meaning, at the height of subs 12.5 million, you have had far more people play and quit WoW than 12.5 million people over the course of 20 years, how ever you have had even more than that at least play the game to some extent.

A part of a game or WoW is that people come and people go, some people will quit over anything, others its over a bunch of things. At the end of the day you will never keep everyone happy or keep everyone forever playing a game even with new content being added all the time.

The whole excuse of people screaming every time something they don’t like in the game is there, is that people are leaving, well, people are always leaving, its very hard to say just how many are leaving just because of the thing you do not like in the game. Some may very well be leaving because of that, but hardly all of the people who choose to leave care anything about your issue for your tissue.

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When I see the phrase “blizz is just punishing us for…” in a rant about w/e current change, I sip my coffee and then just laugh and laugh. My imagination is enormous, so I get these little scenes in my head of how those dev meetings go when they are masterminding some new “Punishment”. :sweat_smile:

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What change was made? Does this expain why my mounts are all the same speed?

Motion sickness was the exception in my comment, that wasn’t me saying people with motion sickness stopped complaining after getting used to it.

And yes, glyphs are gone now, which is why I mentioned the bare bones version of Dragonriding not existing under the current system.

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Fake news.
People are not unsubbing by the mass thousands over a change that happened 10 years ago. Just stop.


Fair points all around. Thank you!

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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I’m in agreement that there should have been a way to set specific mounts to static flight so you dont have to swap. It also should have been an instant cast spell, and it should not have been locked behind pathpinder.

With all that said…people say they are quitting all the time and most you will see commenting on forums after that with comments that obviously allude to the fact they did not quit. I 100% believe that all “quitting” posts are immediately passed over/ignored by Blizzard because of this. Talking about un-subbing is just that… talk. Either give descriptive and helpful recommendations to get what you want, or quit and hope enough #'s quit with you to force them into a change later on.

WoW GMS instruct us to come to the forums and that is what we will continue to do as this is where feedback is supposed to go.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


I have seen a few people who are quitting make a post about why, and some of them have said Pathfinder / flight changes.

Personally, I think PF should be removed since Blizzard said it for accessibility reasons referring to the differently able community.

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As a NCO in the US Navy we used to say in leadership school, A complaining sailor was a happy sailor, it was the quiet ones you had to worry about. However it didn’t mean we listened to the complainers, just meant they got to complain as they did what we told them to do.

LOL and you believed them?



voices of my head


Yeah, so they don’t have to deal with obnoxious people writing tickets with nonsensical topics like complaining about Skyriding.

0,0001% complainers.

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WoW GMs are very nice and even one agreed with me that PF should not exist for TBC normal flying because of the existence of DR now.

My favorite WoW GM was the one that helped me with connectivity issues during Legion as I ran some tests with him. Really cool!

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


No they didn’t.

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That is a lot of overreaction and some people do stretch the truth when posting. I don’t like dragon riding but will get past it and will not unsub!

I do not think it is an over reaction for when you see how TWW is designed it will be called BFA 2.0.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

Point out which side got made horrible villians.

Point out the borrowed power.

I’ll wait.