People are literally Un-subbing because of the Dynamic Flight Change

It is an amazingly upwards flight from South Azj to the Isle of Michael Dorn.

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Good, the game is better off without a few armchair activists unsubbing over such a minor thing. Not to mention you can toggle it on or off.

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Amazing isn’t it? That some people are so stressed, taxed, and too overwhelmed that a simple button clicks, following a decision that is prompted, and needing a confirmation to execute drives them to quit pixels. The root of their problem is they can’t decide on how they want to fly. Chill gathering, fly slow. World quests or zone traversing, fly fast.
Dang-it plan what the heck you’re gonna do, change then stick to it.

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Good riddance to them, constant whining and complaining, truth be known they aren’t quitting, just all mouth and no action.

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Art team is A+ as always.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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it’s toggleable

It really is, I had one of those moments about the game art when I went someplace and looked out over a specific zone. I don’t want to say too much so I don’t spoil it for others.

With a five second penalty.

A no go and not good!

Why are so many people happy about table scraps? I grew up poor and now as a successful adult I am not happy with table scraps!

As a customer I do not support a company taking away functionality for thousands of players that want to use DR or TBC normal flying freely.

It does not:

  • Break the code of conduct
  • Cause a balance issue
  • Crashes the servers as far as we know!
  • Discourage world PVP

So what gives?


:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


You realize Blizz put an -80% speed boost on Dynamic flying outside of DF zones because it was too easy to get around the old zones using it. You could a poll on anything and Blizzard would ignore it. They don’t care.

I already know about the BlizZard rug pull.

Does every WoW player know about this? Spread the word.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

Haven’t had an issue with this once, learn how to use the flight system properly

Eh i mean it is there choice to make, and no one else should really judge if it is an overreaction.

BlizZard has already initiated the rug pull. Eventually they will nerf DR to the ground and people will wake up and wonder how did this happen?

Like I said if you don’t push back early and often BlizZard will nerf DR to make it as tedious as possible.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man: