People are literally Un-subbing because of the Dynamic Flight Change

I know Dynamic Flight is efficient… But here’s my sun temperature hot take: just because other MMOs copied WoW in the past to succeed, that doesn’t mean it needs to copy their innovations in turn. In fact, it demands the complete opposite - more originality, cease the advantages and build up on them. WoW is two decades old, and yet, its open world system, endgame progression pillars, PvP and combat fluidity FAR surpass its newer competitors. I’d actually say the same for its lore and world building. Capitalizing on success, maintaining high feedback loops and continuing to spearhead creativity = win

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You have provided insights beyond sight and you are truly remarkable in that regard. For what I have to say you are truly a valuable member of the WoW community. This is why player options is a must because it allows for the best game play flow for all players. Gating TBC normal flying or the 5 second toggle disrupts game play flow.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

If you are un-subbing because of a button, I would argue that you’ve been on the fence for a while now. I wanted to wait to speak until I had experienced it myself. Before the toggle, I had a static mount and DF mount keybound to two buttons. I would switch back and forth all the time for all of the reasons everyone has already mentioned. Post-toggle? I haven’t used a static mount once, nor have I missed it. And that is even with leveling a shaman in SL. I have picked up multiple chests, and anything in a tree? I just move on. I haven’t missed “precision” flying yet. This does not mean that I won’t. But as of now, I have had no use for static flight and don’t miss it one bit.

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Please stop with this. It’s a clunky design and a weird time nerf but it’s not causing people to unsub. This type of hyperbole does the exactly opposite of what you want.

I think they should explain why it has to be there, and why it is that long, but this is just ridiculous.

I haven’t used DR at all but that still doesn’t make sense to punish players that want to use both.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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Let em go if they are gonna un-sub over something so stupid.


It mist be a troll post. Learn to fly. Do the tutorial. It is so easy if you take 5 minutes.

i love how when you try to report this thread for trolling you get a “500 error”. I love how the mods selectively enforce the rules !!!

Easy solution is combine dynamic and steayd flight into one and just make dynamic flight basically bursts of speed with a min speed of 420% and the ability to float

They’re whining about 5 seconds, do you really think they’re gonna invest five whole minutes?

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I wonder what the “threatening to unsub” count is up to for some people. Also, I wonder what these 40yr old kids are like irl. Do they throw tantrums for trivial stuff there too?

When I don’t like wow I just don’t play it. This has happened a lot. I just stop playing. I don’t get the need to throw a fit in the forum.

Any little thing goes slightly wrong and the forums light up as all the adult shaped children make duplicate cry posts about the dumbest sh!t.

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Can’t speak to whether a 5 second cast is worth the heated debate. However, the obvious solution is to be able to assign each mount as either static or dynamic. Which is why it will probably never happen. Because, you know, Blizz.


The only “TERRIBLE” change I see with it is the 5sec cast time other than that it’s not that big a deal. If you don’t like skyriding just don’t use it pretty simple to me? I see no reason to use anything but skyriding personally, but that’s my gaming style.

Yeah these topics all touch upon what is going on throughout the game because you have inconsistent design and balance vision.

The toggle switch is definitely designed as a friction point to discourage constant switching between DR and and TBC normal flying.

The locking of TBC normal flying behind patchfinder is designed to try to peel support of TBC normal flying away but that makes no sense. Most people by now will either like using DR or not and will stick with TBC normal flying.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

The amount of offense you took at this is hilarious and sad. Work on your mental so you don’t get so easily offended there, big man.

For some people it is a just a culmination of many things and this being the tiny pebble that causes the avalanche.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:



As in Sub-reddit?
ah 5-10 minutes in a sub-reddit is where you get this kernel of truth.

People will do as people will do. those that un-sub because of this are welcome to do as they see fit. I doubt it reflects the majority of the player base.

Literally everyone I’ve ever seen complaining about how Dragonriding / Skyriding works (other than legitimate motion sickness stuff) stopped complaining very quickly after using it for a couple days and getting some of the glyphs unlocked. Because it ONLY feels bad when you’re brand new to it (lots of losing momentum and therefore waiting on vigor while grounded - gets infinitely better once you figure out how to keep it going) or using the bare bones version of it (which essentially doesnt exist under the current system, thankfully).

That’s for general travel purposes though. I understand the complaints from gatherers and druids in general with flight form and all.

- wonders what people figuratively un-subbing would be like -

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:rabbit: :dagger: