People are literally Un-subbing because of the Dynamic Flight Change

They did put a motion sickness warning, when you first launch WoW with the new updates, and the company name appears, and you gotta agree to the ToS, again.

Step in the right direction.

And because of that this is why PF should not exist no more.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

I remember at first Ion was saying that pre-pot was useless ! In an interview he was asked if he knew that the players were saying that he Ion was a liar , he say he knew but didnt know why .I am sure he could get a great job somewhere else

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I believe that this thing about flying is just a tree hiding the forest .I don’t have much hope for this exp

I do not even see it as a time gate so at this point what purpose does it serve?

:thinking: :cowboy_hat_face:

Putting on my detective hat on tells me that this is the last attempt to try to sway people to use DR over TBC normal flying. But it is a failed attempt because in the process they are going to cause discomfort to disabled players by gating accessibility. And no one is going to change their minds.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

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Why change flying ? The old way is too expensif ? Cost to much to manage ? They don’t care loosing players it is not their money,if they could cut the cost of 2 or 3 devs and maybe more ,it would be seen as a great move

You wearing a blindfold or something?

Yeah just like skyriding lol.

I think the point of contention is, in Dragonflight…we had a “dragonriding mount” and could bind a static flying mount to another key, without having to use a 5 second cast to switch between the two once on the ground.

I am fairly certain that is where the issue is. We had essentially BOTH of these features with specific “dragon riding” mounts and standard flying mounts.

This is where I believe there is an issue. It does seem quite silly that we were previously able to use our dragons for dragon riding and retain the standard flying mount or travel form for a much slower version of flying.

While dragon riding is faster, there are many times you need to SLOW DOWN…to get to objectives and this is no longer possible with a 5 second cast timer. Yes, you can of course switch…but this was not the case prior to the pre-patch. One could simply land, dismount the dragon and select their flying mount.

This is where lies…“the beef”.


That doesn’t make the game more playable for people with motion sickness. And it does nothing for people who have a variety of other health issues or conditions. How does a motion sickness warning make dragonriding useful for someone with only one working hand?


It is more playable. You can stay on the ground until you have pathfinder, which takes about as long as getting max level. Same way you did for most of WoW life.

IK that, but it’s still better than not having it at all. It didn’t used to say that before, now it does.

Again, a step in the right direction.

I doubt many people who despise the 5 second cast for the toggle will quit over it. I think the change to how this affects druid flight was fully intentional. They want fewer players to play druids. They don’t like druids. They are different and more complicated to work on.

The big unsub wave is going to come when the breakneck rushed expansion turns out to be even more broken than the prepatch. I’m surprised nobody seems to be concerned about this. But I know someone who stopped playing during the SLs beta when they found out the release date was pushed up, figuring it would be nowhere near ready. It was nowhere near ready. That person has never played again.

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Pretty much. Crazy overreaction, but better them than us!

I don’t consider Dragonriding to be difficult, either. Unlike Vanilla, though, Dragonriding involves movement and camera control that can cause issues for people situationally. Vanilla was just tedium throughout.

I also don’t consider Dragonriding to be tedious, but I also enjoy it. :dracthyr_shrug:

So is Static Flight enabled for Dawnbreaker, then?

I think it’s actually pretty wild and absurd they are allowing people to fly directly at level 10

You’re logged in with a hunter avatar. How many “spells” do you have with 5 second cast times?

Dawnbreaker? What’s that?

a ground mount that flies