People are literally Un-subbing because of the Dynamic Flight Change

2016 for me, but because I got busy irl, not because of the game. My point remains, however, that we are outliers. Subscriptions have been on the decline for years. There have been a few upward bumps back in the right direction, but then something like this comes along to remind people that there are better ways to spend their money.

Up until recently, I thought the Worldsoul Saga had the potential to turn things around in a more consistent manner, but, if this update is indicative of the quality moving forward into that trilogy, then it’s just a tourniquet at best.

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Then put Dynamic flight behind this pathfinder and see how much yelling will happen…if Pathfinder is fine for us disabled players then pathfinder is fine for non disabled players that use Dynamic then…what is good for the Goose is good for the Gander.


It seems a little overboard when we are willing to quit over something small.

But when you think about it Blizzard only left us with ONE power move if we don’t like something.

They only seem to respond to that one power move. So of course people are going to use that move first. Especially when the company has historically shown itself to ignore logical arguments time and time again.

It’s a case of complaining about the monster you built.

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It should be available alongside skyriding without any extra effort that skyriding is not also subject to. It simply doesn’t make sense to gate one and not the other, regardless of which is being gated, and especially when there is such a backlash about it.

Personally, I prefer skyriding. But it still boggles my mind to gate steady flight if skyriding is not also being similarly restricted.

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Try not to weaponize people who have disabilities as a way to pretend to have a moral highground, it is extremely unbecoming.

Skyriding requires interaction with the game, which is a complaint Blizzard had in the past about steady flight. They aren’t congruous, and the extremely small requirement for Steady Flight is the lowest it has been at any point in the game with the possible exception of Cataclysm.

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I think this was the largest internal/infrastructure change they have ever done to WoW. It’s buggy now but it will smooth out.

I think subs will increase because of the WoW ecosystem they are building. I imagine there is going to be a rotation of different SoD realms, expansion remixes, classic eras and patches coming out, to the point that there will be so much for players to do, they will stick around after the post patch slump hits.

I can honestly see subs going from the estimated 7m to near 10m again.

I’m not saying that the annoying flight toggle is my red line or anything, but if the game interface gets irritating enough to use I could certainly see unsubscribing. I quit sometime near the end of Draenor and I don’t really remember an exact reason, but it was because of some patch update that changed a lot of stuff and made it super irritating to play. I didn’t play again until last year.

It’s not really a rage quit or anything, more of an overall “meh, that game isn’t as enjoyable to play because they made it annoying” feeling and then you just kind of move on to other things.

And just for comparison, I also find the new warband screen kind of bad (mainly because they don’t list what realm the characters are on in an obvious way on the new page) but that’s like 0.1% the annoyance of the flight change since you only see it for 5 seconds and who cares.

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I choose to remain and complain.

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For most situations I prefer Dragonriding but losing 5 seconds or having to lug my slow friggin Paladin everywhere every time I need to swap back is kinda eh.

I’m not even gonna go extreme and say WAH INSTANT but why not the mount cast speed? Cus I will say doing world quests feels objectively worse; not by a lot but I feel it.

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pathfinder, now with lube!

It’s bad, but not that bad.

I can’t understand why you can’t search on realm. There is the reason that was the only sorting options for 25 years.

The quitters will be back…It’s stupid to get that upset over changes…Change happens, get used to it and get over it…

Repeating that point over and over isn’t going to convince anyone.

There is no such requirement for skyriding, and this is fundamentally unfair to people who prefer steady flight, regardless of the reason for their preference.

No, it doesn’t. The majority of the time I use skyriding, I fly straight up from the ground to as high as my vigor will allow (and I usually regain a bubble or three during that which I also use to gain altitude), and then I aim just below the horizon and in the direction I want to fly. It’s typically hands-free from there, as I am usually quite good at landing where I want, even when crossing through multiple zones. On occasion, I may have to regain altitude during the flight, such as when traveling to a zone with a higher base elevation. Barring any dramatic changes in the elevation, I can use the speed bursts whenever my vigor is near-full to reach my destinations faster. The dramatically higher flight speed means that I don’t need to be terribly efficient with my route, and I often arrive before my party anyway. This is a weak argument, at best, for gating steady flight and forcing people to use skyriding.

What are the benefits of steady flight that require such gating? If it is such an inferior method of flying, why does it require extra effort to unlock? This seems backwards to me. If one of the flight models should be gated, it would be skyriding. If skyriding is not going to be gated, steady flight definitely should not be. This is a case of “if you’re not playing my way, you’re wrong,” and that argument is childish and pointless.

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No, it is not. They are two different things, which behave in two very different ways. They are treated different because they are different, and disregarding that fact isn’t going to change things.

This entire paragraph describes you having multiple inputs into the game, so I don’t know why you choose to be disingenuous and pretend that it doesn’t involve interacting with the game.

That it isn’t interactive and allows you to be fully static in the air. Blizzard isn’t going to fully remove it, but they are asking that players go through the leveling storyline once with either ground travel interacting with the world, skyriding interacting with the world, or a mixture of the two. That’s not a hard thing to ask.

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This interaction is functionally no different than how I use steady flight, except that I don’t have to gain absurd amounts of altitude before moving in the direction that I want to go. If rapidly pressing the 2 key 6-9 times and then idling until I arrive is interaction, then skyriding fundamentally fails to provide the interactivity you’re claiming that it does.

This is a benefit? Kind of contradicts your other point. And how is it “not interactive,” anyway, pray tell?

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Steady flight does not require any input to remain airborne or control speed, a single input allows you to cross the entire continent by just hitting autorun. That is a benefit of steady flight, it does not require you to do anything to fly. You just point and go, indefinitely, until you hit a wall, hit a fatigue zone, or stop it.

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Again, this is exactly how I use skyriding as well after I have hit my 2 key 6-9 times while pointing my camera straight up.

It’s bad…but it’s not that bad. They really need to at the very least shorten the time of cast and make it not a dismount.

I still think just let us pick for our favorites makes way more sense and then we can swap around without extra button presses. For the short term though reduce that cast time right away and make doable while mounted but on the ground.

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It should be a 1.5 second cast time like it is currently to switch between mounts, or allow individual mount toggles. And if it is 1.5 second cast, it should not dismount.

I prefer it how it used to be, where my flying horse was just a flying horse and not a weird glider

I tried to figure out how to have my flying mounts and skyriding too, but its a really long cast time and I don’t remember doing anything sufficiently bad enough to justifying disfiguring all my flying mounts into weird gliders