People are literally Un-subbing because of the Dynamic Flight Change

People are saying they are quitting because of the warband screen.



If dragon flying hurts your wrist, how do you play the rest of the game?

I have mild carpal tunnel and my wrist, hands and thumbs burn like crazy playing but flying doesn’t change that.

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I would think an immediate cancelation rather than a forum announcement would make a bigger impact - especially because you can list the reason you’re unsubbing before you do so.

And if you’ve done that, and you’re still posting here it just comes across as petty and attention-seeking.

No one is going to get an “I am Spartacus” moment over a cast time on steady flight. Just have the normal people cheer you on, they themselves who haven’t and won’t quit.

You have 3 different accounts, this toon you are commenting with has over 25k achievement points and over 400 forum posts, I do not believe for one minute you will stop playing lol


not an argument, just saying.

it’s their game and we’re lucky to play it, so they keep saying.

Oh no. How ever will I survive if you don’t believe me? I’m sorry I can control my gaming impulse and can leave?

Says the person paying for 3 WoW accounts. Ok buddy.

To be fair, the fact that you keep commenting to get the last word in doesn’t inspire confidence.

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I paid my sub and it’s still active. I’ve paid to have the right to post here. Ignore me if you don’t like it. I honestly couldn’t care less if you believe any word I say or not. I don’t know you and you don’t know me.

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I use a wrist guard like in bowling. I also wear Goalie shin-guards and carry a machete. The Machete has no real impact on this discussion, but I wanted to let it be known in case anyone’s thinking of trying something funny.


This is the most offensive thing ive ever seen on this forum.


Challenge accepted.


I wear wrist guards too, they work wonders. So really why is dragon flying any different than playing any other part of the game?

You haven’t been here long have you?

Oh many years. This is the worst thing HERE. So far.

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You missed the comment towards me wishing me physical harm.

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Apparently so, also completely unacceptable. :\


The 5 sec cast is excessive but not worth quitting over, I just stay in steady flight


Can you please change title to “people are literally malding and lying that they’re unsubbing”?

Unless of course you can prove they’re really unsubbing.

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Steady flight is available day one. It is available with the least effort ever, possibly excluding Cataclysm where it was purchaseable without requirements, but individually per character.