People are literally Un-subbing because of the Dynamic Flight Change

Yeah, just like… Every expansion except cataclysm which had “quest to x” before you could get steady flight. Like, seriously, folks. The requirement is to complete the 70-80 campaign. Let’s not pretend this is even a problem anymore.

Yeah. We live in a time when a lot of folks don’t think they should have to try or put in effort. If it’s hard, they give up. If there’s change, they give up. I don’t really care if 3 or 300 people unsub over dynamic flight. The vast, VAST majority love it and it’s here to stay.

If dynamic flight and Pathfinder upset someone THAT MUCH they -should- unsub and go spend their time doing something fun. Life is too short to be mad at a video game.

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It feels a little odd, and I know I can toggle it off, (there are places where I’d feel better with it turned off,) BUT, I’m actually enjoying the change! Seeing my Dalaran sewer disc (Legion class mount) soar with my toon on it like a maniac is fun!

I might at some point temporarily revert it, but for now I’m keeping it. The change isn’t the end of the world like some think.

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Many things made my upset in my WoW career (mained a Survival Hunter until SL - looking at you). This is NOT one of them. Personally, I think DF should have been like this since TBC, but the technology was’n’t there.

Not very often that the devs make a major change that I like, but this is one of those times.

The fact that they are giving people a choice is really generous imho.


I do wish the switch between normal and dynamic flying was instant, but still the 1-2 seconds waiting for the change is not that bad. I really like being able to use dynamic flying on any flying mount.

At least in TWW we can fly at the start. It’s better than being grounded. I can wait for normal flying. I’m looking forward to the new expansion.


Nobody’s unsubbing over this change bro.


And many of us never said we couldn’t Dragon fly…that it just was hurting us to be stuck with it for over a damn year again with Dragon Flight and that if Dragon Flying is open Day 1 of TWW then Steady Flight should be too plain as nose on your face.

Yes I can Dragon Fly but it kills my hands and wrists and messes with my eyes for depth …I never said I couldn’t Dragon Fly or Dynamic fly what ever is the new flavor calling it now…since its damn name has been changed like 4 times now.

Very Homelander of you to say!

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To anyone who thinks the new toggle is only an improvement:

Before I used two buttons, one mounted a favorite classic flying mount and the other mounted my one specific dragonriding mount, and I could choose on demand each time I mounted which style of flight I want.

Now I have the same two buttons, but I have to toggle in between if I want to change and wait 6 seconds, and then click again. I also have to remember which mode I’m in or else there is more button clicking if forget. So it’s a way more annoying setup than I had three days ago for seemingly no reason other than to try and force everyone into using dragonflight (and I have obviously never understood why they fight classic flying so much - it’s like some random dev is just mad that some people don’t like it).

I think a much better solution on Blizzard’s end would be to remove the stupid toggle entirely (or add a third option I guess - flight choice) and then have two separate favorite mount lists - one for dragonflying and one for classic flying, and two buttons you can drag which mount one of your favorites.


What’s even crazier is that people are unsubbing over the warband selection screen. It is amazing how sensitive people are today. I love coming to these forums to read the raging, crying, and whining that comes along with video games. Are some features annoying? Sure. Are some less efficient than we think they should be? Probably. This game is a shadow of what it once was. What it is now is what we have. Play or don’t, but all the raging over 1’s and 0’s … I don’t know, it’s just crazy.


I find the toggle awkward but I’d never quit over it. I just feel it should be a far lower cooldown.

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I agree and its sad.

That’s how I do it. I guess they could argue something about it messing with druid flight form and not being able to gather while flying, but with the new profession talent system that point becomes moot.

Now at the start of TWW we do lose our ability to gather while mounted which sucks and I find that getting entirely new gathering profession trees in TWW, having to unlock things we’ve already unlocked is a bad move. I think we should have been able to just build up on the talents we learned in DF.

no pathfinder and instant switching flight form could have been such an incredible win…

they would rather step on their own…toes.

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Seems like a childish reason to unsub if you asked me. Thats my two cents anyway.


I did. 3 accounts un subbed.

I quit in 2019 and I am back.

They always come back

See you tomorrow.

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You won’t.

That has basically been the argument since the first pathfinding. It didn’t change anything then, it won’t change anything now.

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