People are literally Un-subbing because of the Dynamic Flight Change

And you believed that? In fact, just by mentioning and asking for it, you are another troll, and I believe that the three accounts that asked for it are yours (your characters). Troll.

They’re doing it this way to force boomers who can’t handle change, even when it’s change to something vastly superior, so they get used to the system and maybe learn how not to mess up landing on a mountain peak or cliff edge.

Skill issue get good

I agree with you, Bajer.
I finally got my husband to play again, he played for years but got sick them around Shadowlands (like so many) and he would rather WALK everywhere than use DR if it’s forced on us.

He only hits level cap and then moves on to other characters. For him, experiencing the whole story over multiple characters is more fun than doing every single thing on one character. As such, he can’t even fly regularly in some areas, since he never got the achievement. I highly doubt that, in the wide world we live in, there aren’t others who enjoy playing that way and WILL NOT bother with the achievement or forced DR.

People like the FREEDOM that’s supposed to be in these games. It’s part of getting their money’s worth.

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It one or two people posting with main and alts that are very very very vocal on this forum and not representative of the player base. This isn’t even being discussed on Reddit because no one cares.


Everyone believes their pet issue with WoD is the single overriding reason why it failed. I don’t think it was any of them in a vacuum, more so the result of all of them being stacked on top of each other.

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The button is on your mounts page.

This is a psycho take

It is an overreaction for sure, but it was a stupid arbitrary change at the same time when players have had access to both without a cast for months now.

AT LEAST, reduce the cast time to like regular mount speed if they wanna compromise.


Lol damn, you and your hubby can winge harder. Christ

LOLOL a small one-time popup window to ask, and you would lose it. i see

Your ground mounts are now flying mounts (at least mine are, or were, until they yanked my server away)

On every single mount.
On every single character.

I use a macro to use about a randomized choice of about a dozen mounts on every single character, of which I also have dozens.

Pop-ups aren’t the way to go.

They never really do quit, and if they do, they always come back.
Everyone always comes back.

Please. Release me.

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Maybe you both should seek some therapy if you’re angry about a video game as much as this post seems to imply.

That seems like a very unhealthy amount of emotion over how one traverses a video game for one week.

after all the things that happened in World of Warcraft

That would be the stupidest reason for a massive un-subbing in human history!

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I understand. Unless you can “group” mounts into different categories, and have the randomization trigger only those mounts in the groups you have specified for steady or skyriding

They need to remove Druid flight from from Sky Riding. Period. Remove it. Now.


This guy gets it.


not to mention Italian operas, Kabuki theater, and the list goes on. I think you have a great sense of humor


Toggle it off if you don’t want it.

Skyriding on flight form is one of the better changes druid got going into TWW.