People are literally Un-subbing because of the Dynamic Flight Change

Once again.

You realize why this is sending mixed signals…right?

You say you dont want change and extra steps. But are advocating for change and extra steps.

You list the skyriding change flying style changes as a reason you are quitting. Not because of how it effects you, but others?

::pats comfortable looking seat next to him::

I think it’s a great change and fully welcome it. Have a Snickers.

I liked being able to switch between them on the fly.

The Cooldown is silly. The old way was way better and faster.


I unsubbed because they’re delaying endgame for 3 weeks. Just not goinna bother until stuff unlocks.

It happened in WoD, and the sub drop was so bad Blizzard changed their mind.

It not a matter of which is superior, we had either available with a 1.5 sec mount cast. Now we have one available with an extra 5 seconds just to switch styles. Can’t say how many, but I loved having both available on demand. Now it kinda sucks, but it’s not enough to make me quit, but there’s this thing called empathy…

An instant cast switch, and having both styles available would have been better accepted. You guys may think it’s an overreaction, but I challenge you to give a good reason for path finder at this point.

You can’t, because there isn’t any logical reason to give one flight style at launch, with a button to switch between the two, and lock the other behind pathfinder. Also, how would you feel if it was DF that was locked behind pathfinder.


There lot things that happen that caused WoD to loses lot of subs. We were promise that The Horde’s Hub will be in Bladespire Citadel and Alliance would have Karabor that didn’t happen. Then content was cut and there hardly any dailies so basically you’re sitting garrison all day until raiding.

Citation needed.

If it was the superior flight mode then it would be restricted at the start of the new expansion, since it is better supposedly, and the alternative would be the basic mode where the upgrade is unlocked as you play.

But, the inverse is true.

“Dynamic flight” is the inferior system, that’s why it’s the default and you have to work to unlock the superior system.

You don’t start the game at max level with BIS gear then slowly downgrade over time as you progress.

Sorry not sorry that reality is different than delusion.


Yeah, let’s pretend that flying was the issue with WoD, and it wasn’t the lack of content.


It wasn’t needed.

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If dynamic flying is too much for WoW players, they should not be playing WoW at all.

They’d never survive in old WoW Vanilla.

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i love dragonflying however it would be nice if i could set 1 mount as old flying and have another mount as dragon flying without clicking a 3 second cooldown button to click another 3 seconds to hide the other mount.

But for the record having a sand drake mount with dragonflying is sooooo awesome!


Just FYI, the icon only looks like that before you’ve used it for the first time. Once you’ve used it, it will either look like a hovering dragon (static flight) or a diving dragon (dynamic flight). I think it’s odd that the icon has a different look before you use it, but maybe it’s just to draw attention to it.

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You’re missing the part where dynamic flight is optional, Sunshine.

I’m generally against anything that seems actively hostile to the playerbase. Whether you think Dragonriding is the greatest thing ever or you prefer being able to hover and actually control your flight path without falling at seemingly arbitrary times, what NONE of us needed was a 5+ second cast to toggle. It’s a change that is actively hostile, serves no purpose but to waste everyone’s time, and adds no value to the experience or the game at all.


People are saying that they’re un-subbing. People say a lot of things.

That said, people shouldn’t play games they hate. Games should be fun.

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If its, OCD you can get help from a specialist

It’d be pretty rough getting around azh-khet (sp) without some sort of flight, and you won’t get skyswimming back till you’ve completed the campaign including spiderville.

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Old way also allowed people to play how they wanted without feeling penalized based on how they prefer to play.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


But the old way relegated my beloved ironbound protodrake to skyswimming.