People are literally Un-subbing because of the Dynamic Flight Change

The early access is not going to go over well either based on what I am seeing.


:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

Skyriding is a terrible concept. I quit retail because of it and will not be purchasing TWW or any other future WoW expansions as long as dragonriders get to fly before I can.

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I can’t fly at all after the last patch.

How is everyone getting off the ground?

I think you are a liar. No one is going to quit because of a flying change.

heh i love it when people say this.

blizz never “promise” anything.

people hear a thing, and somehow their brain translates that to a “promise”?


i don’t know about anyone else, but i use the space bar. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

do the dragonflight starting quests

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Open Talents and Spellbook from main bar. Then select the Spellbook tab in the resulting window at the bottom. Then select General tab at the top of the window.

You should see Skyriding ability. Click on it should product a slide out with a number of skyriding abilities. The last of them should be Switch Flight Mode (I think don’t have WoW open).

If it is not there, then you are bugged. Possible fixes include:
Level to 60 in current content and learn DR.
Level to 70 in Remix.
Switching to level 70 that originally learned DR.
Switch to level 70 that hasn’t learned DR.

I can’t confirm that any of these work. For me, it wasn’t there for the first character I logged in with after the patch but showed up when I switched to my only non-Remix level 70. Note that I never learned DR in retail as the Beta taught me that it wasn’t for me.

Also note, at least yesterday, that the Summon Favorite Mount function is not working correctly in Steady Flight mode. In Water, it summons water mount. On ground, it summons ground mount. I have not had it summon a steady flight mount at any location I have used it. Had to drag a flying mount link to one of my bars.

I don’t believe this at all. It’s just the current GD complaint meta.


As far as I’ve been able to see, for whatever reason the ability is not in the spell book (at least it isn’t in mine). I think they’re treating it like other skyriding abilities by keeping it in its own area in the mount UI.

The only issue is the cast time to switch between flying styles. Who ever did that is legit getting off on it…and should most likely be fired.

I mean, I think it’s the idea of choice being arbitrarily taken from us. I like dragon riding, but there are few times I want to ride normally. It literally costs them more in time to lock it behind an achievement, when they could just let everyone be happy riding as they see fit.

As an admittedly casual gamer, I like a lot of the changes they’re making, but this is not one of them.

I feel like calling for someone to lose their job over the cast time on a skill is a bit much. So is the assumption they are getting some sort of strange satisfaction over it.

Is the cast time annoying? Yes. Should it be changed to no more than mount cast time - yes!

Making those kind of assumptions though, and wanting someone to be fired and lose their whole job over a cast time on one spell? Nah.

I have not had coffee yet, but still, nah.


first of all…gliding is not dynamic.
i think most are upset because they
made the adaptation of running
2 mounts, probably hot keyed…
thus, you could easily switch back and
forth between the gliders for long distances
and the traditional for more punctuated/precision
now, with the switch-button…that’s no longer possible.
i think the unsubbing is more protest related
than permanent…
it’s annoying , over time, to feel as if the people
making the game, don’t actually play the game…
if they did…they’d know what to do.

Oh I don’t blame the person who made it. The manager who approved it though should be. No way is it their first screw up. Who ever approved the character list change also needs to be fired yesterday.

Ah nostalgia, in WoD it went a little something like…

Ion “flight will be released, later”
Players “when?”
Ion “it’s coming, later”
Players “but when?”
Ion “later”

Then Ion gave an interview on a third party website and when asked about flying, Ion said “never”.

You can believe whatever, but I was there, I still have friends on my list that did quit over that episode I gave, and to this day have never logged in again. Flight is the feature that set wow ahead of all the others, it is a big deal for some players.


It sounds silly, but its a real thing. FLIGHT riding, in all aspects, is a HUGE part of the game. Adding the proverbial “mosquito” that is the 5 seconds cast time, is IMMENSELY annoying when added to other factors


I am going to still disagree with you. Firing someone from their job is one of the most devastating things you can do to them. Imagine if every single decision you try comes down to being fired for it?

Is the char list optimal? No. It needs more sort functions. Is the cast time great, no. It needs to be no longer than a mount cast.

I prefer people actually try new things like Warbands. It offers things players have been asking for for over a decade, like account wide Rep. Account wide currency. MORE bank space. Shared gear. Shared Transmog (except Class specific drops).

If they were afraid a cast time or a list sort were not perfect - we would get no changes ever.

You know they are going to continue to adjust the game, including the new features for years to come. They are ALWAYS changing things.

Or maybe you are being dramatic for effect and I am not awake enough to catch it. This is also possible. Heh.


its in both when fully working.

Considering how much the newer devs absolutely hate old flying, at least this is something. They would delete old flying completely if they could.

Just give the dragon flying or whatever a hover mode and I think people would be happier.

This is why WoW is having all these issues. You have to fire the people causing the problems. Not saying fire right away give them one more chance. But then show them the door and allow someone new to do it right. No doubt the game would be in a better state if those who approved these changes and even approved the prepatch for launch were fired. None of it was ready. If this was done to any other software that wasn’t gaming like things in the Investment sector you would be fired and black listed.


I don’t even know what was changed. Can someone highlight for me what the problem is?

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