People are just gettin stupid now

that has more to do with people trying to make money than the intelligence of people

I took my first year of calculus in the 7th grade in a public school in Nashville, Tennessee (not exactly a hotbed of formal education, then or now).

I think 7th grade math now concentrates on getting the kids to count past 10 without having remove their shoes.

People may not be dumber, but they’re surely less educated.

it has been a long time since I went to school but I do find that hard to believe, even taking into consideration you must be exaggerating wildly.

If they are teaching basics in grade 7, what did they teach for the first 6 grades.

I’ve found that saying, “My B” can go a long ways.

Bear in mind this was before calculators - I think I was in my 10th grade year before I even saw one.

We used slide rules (no kidding).

I had a logarithm book that I inherited from my father that was printed in the 1930s.

Assumptions are being made. I’m rarely ever kicked. I have however seen people get trash talked a lot even if they are new and have stated so. When I join a normal run, I assume, until I see otherwise, that people in the run could be new and treat it as thus and do my job without trying to ‘pull extra’ just to be faster or whatever. I also understand accidents happen.

Again, the community’s way of treating eachother has made me leave pugs. My guild does not trash talk people, they help people get better and learn.


People don’t like bodypulls (big pet peeve of mine as well), so the kick seems somewhat justified. Bodypulls are rather annoying and add unnecessary time to a run.

And yes, the WoW community can be pretty toxic.

Giving the “community” the power to kick other players, give them 30 minute “dungeon deserter” debuffs, apply silences, etc was always going to result in false reports and abuse.

Random players from the “community” just can’t be trusted with any reporting feature or button :laughing:

Your just lucky he didn’t whisper you “happens” after you got kicked.


Earlier, I was the healer on normal dungeon, trying to complete a weekly quest from Oribos for +rep. The tank constantly compaining about the DPS being too low. He’s lv60 with some over 200+ gears. I told him, “Do you realize you’re in normal dungeon? 3 DPS are not even lv60.”

His response was /kicked the healer.



lol :rofl: that would have been hilarious.

Some tanks are really entitled, that’s pmuch all there is to that.

OP accidently body pulls.
OP then gives a snarky response when called out.
OP gets kicked and comes to the forum to say they were kicked for “no reason”.
OP still hasn’t learned a lesson.


Tanks are prissy little babies. Make sure you ask permission to breathe next time!

Oof, sorry for that OP. I just got done leveling this character to 60 as a healer (armory not updated yet) and I had my share of idiots as well. People who didn’t know mechanics (even at this late date), etc. I only had a few toxic idiots that I still remember, but besides that, nothing as bad as what you described. Never got kicked from dungeons either.

Though I had a group with a gnome warlock who kept pulling extra packs in HOA even when we told him to stop. He deservedly got kicked.

However, a good healer can really carry dungeons. It’s amazing. Even when people don’t interrupt abilities like they should (fear in NW, harvest essence in Mists), a good healer can push through to the end without wiping (hopefully). An inexperienced healer will struggle and there will be lots of deaths along the way slowing things down.

Im sorry…I just dont buy that at all.
IF a person is playing any substantial amount of pugs they ARE seeing problems in some of the groups they end up with.
I really dont even care to argue the point. I simply do not believe their claims literally at all. If one is running 3 or 4 randoms a day, theres no way they havent run into a rushy pull everything tank…or a DPS who pulls for the tank instead of letting the tank pull.
I think the folks saying they dont see the problems are either VERY patient and accept the behavior…or VERY dishonest, lol.

well, we have no choice in the matter. Problematic players wont likely have guildies who want to play with them…so they probably only have random players to group with, leaving us to have to deal with them.
Its a trade off. I dont have the responsibilities of a guild…and in exchange I have to deal with the clowns. lol

probably the wiser of the options, yeah.
Myself, I just dont like waiting any longer when Im trying to get a dungeon in…but its probably costing me more time

Oh shush you :shushing_face:

Play a tank and come find out just how annoying random bodypulls are :man_shrugging:

True that. I also play tanks.

However. As a healer, if I encountered an arrogant guy who isn’t even playing the proper spec for his role and expects a group of strangers to tolerate that, then I’ll definitely do something about it.

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Next time, vote to kick the tank. I tank normal dungeons just to do the quests and whatnot. You can tell if you are dealing with low ilvl people within 2 minutes and then just go slower.

Stupid people need to be punished.

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mistakes dont bother me at all…even if they cause a wipe or lost time.
INTENTIONALLY pulling and causing a wipe…yeah, thats a vote kick. lol

yes, well you haven’t changed my mind there