People are just gettin stupid now

After one mistake? Sure, we all make them.

After one mistake and an attitude? I’m saying “happens” wasn’t all that was said or it happened again.

there is no indication OP was new to that dungeon though. New to dungeon maybe but even then if you are paying attention it shouldn’t happen. But it was probably OP’s mouth that got them kicked rather than the fact they pulled.

People who make a mistake, take ownership and apologize usually aren’t kicked.

If you would have said sorry or my bad it would have been alot better for you, the way you said it may have made the guy think you were trying to be a A@@.

When you make a mistake, you apologize for the mistake. You knew you face pulled, as soon as you realized that’s what you did, you should have made the apology before the warrior had time to call you out on it.

He was rude because it’s rude for you to make a mistake and act like you didn’t make the mistake.

9 times outta 10 for me at least.

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Well honestly if you can’t solve the mist puzzles just don’t, someone competent will in due time and you save the entire group time

See, as a healer, this is why I rarely pug anything anymore. The community has rather ruined my want to help out when they need healers and I tend to stick with my guild.


Who would dare kick a Moon Guard draebae?! :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

I have been booted a few times recently in my DK and I could not even fathom why, got tired of the attitude in this game I once loved and left it.

whew…tanks are really acting like morons today in retail classic runs lol.
Had an EASY QUICK run in blackrock…just kill the two bosses and youre done. 5 minutes or so. lol
Tank heads thru to the guzzler…great…jumps down…wonderful…we kill the first fiery boss…woohoo…nearly done here!
And then the clown keeps running in that direction thru to the rest of the dungeon instead of turning around to kill the Dwarf (Fineas or something).
We tell him we just need to kill the boss there.
Doesnt matter…hes gone, pulling everything in sight in the opposite direction.
Screw this. lol. Im leveling…i just want the dungeon experience ASAP right now and Ive seen the sights of this run 1000 times.

Would have been nice to at least tell us hes wanting to do a full clear but at that rate the POLITE thing to have done was kill the dwarf so the rest of us who didnt want to run the entire thing could have gotten our experience and left and been replaced.

About every other tank and healer for nearly two weeks now have been a problem of some sort or another, lol.
Gotta be players bored with SL’s.

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and then they (pug players) whine in here about long queues, lol

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While I agree with you it wasn’t a big deal perhaps if you said, “I am sorry” instead of “it happens”, you would not have been booted.


does the community really want healers who are often getting kicked? some people never or rarely ever encounter toxicity directed towards them, I wonder why.

no clue what you are even referring to.

dunno bout that.

All you had to do was say “my bad” and you wouldn’t have got kicked. You got kicked because of your crappy attitude, not their crappy attitude. I’d have vote kicked you too after saying that.

there are people who don’t encounter problems in random group content so those people don’t feel a need to restrict themselves to their guild content. So does the community really want people who do have problems, in the random queue system. I personally would rather wait in queue a bit than have a quick queue with a healer and/or tank who are problems.

Don’t need an explanation. The topic says it all.

Fifty years ago the owner’s manual for cars gave detailed instructions on how to adjust the valves and timing, now they warn the owners not to drink the battery fluid.


Its 50/50 in dungeons. Worse farther into the season. I’ve got a few lines up I’ve never stepped into. My past experiences have had mixed results.