People are just gettin stupid now

so im in a halls of atonement mind you im leveling im not even level 60 yet
get a fury warrior “carry” as a tank
pull two mobs by mistake

Warrior: really?
Me: Happens.

and then 10 seconds later i get booted out the dungeon
community really makes this game unfun sometimes


gotta love my 30 min lock out for no reason


You could have just apologized. Bodypulls happen, sure. But it costs nothing to say “sorry” instead of being snarky to someone you’ve just inconvenienced.


i REALLY doubt i invonceinced a 230+ fury warrior with two mobs

but given how he acted after nah i dont think so


(side note, sorry that happened, op. the pug life is not the easy life)


I agree, tanking as Fury is an odd choice. And it was a little rude for them to say “really?” like that. I think everyone could have acted a little more respectfully here.


Normal dungeons are serious business now apparently. Shows how pathetic people get over nonrelevant content. If they want to speed level let them go into their special snowflake corner by themselves so they can all pet each others egos all day.


i mean i didnt care he was a fury warrior he could do the job i didnt say anything up till the point he decided to get upset over an accidental face pull


I wish he wasn’t rude to you. I think the main thing is that he’s in a DPS spec and it’s challenging to hold aggro as a DPS. I think that he was probably just worried that people would think he wasn’t doing his job as a tank.

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Girl I am feeling this I ran a Mists the other day were someone went the wrong way on the maze and the tank and healer started fighting.


He was prolly carrying someone or more than one person and decided to kick you for I guess not apologizing.

Others just went with it because he was the geared carry.

Screw him don’t let it bother you


Its a dog eat dog world.

The negativity isn’t going to just disappear.

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stupidity sure wont


I mean you could call it that.

I would of vote kicked him for being a dps I don’t care if he’s carrying


I tanked two normal dungeons today on my monk. Both times I kept dropping to 10% health as does the entire party from incidental aoe damage from mobs.

I’ve literally never had this problem with my monk before.

Basically the healers are too busy dpsing during the pulls and are only healing afterwards.

I politely bowed out of more runs with guildmates because the pug healers were so bad and I didn’t want to have them see me turn into Godzilla and rip into the next healer who wasn’t doing their job.



I’m curious: did you ask the Warrior why they were in the tank role while clearly not in a tank spec? That sort of behaviour can put tremendous pressure on dps and healers for obvious reasons. And what does ‘carry’ mean in this case - was the Warrior with a guild group? I sure as hell wouldn’t care to carry their silly dps butt.

I dunno if saying ‘sorry’ instead of ‘happens’ would have made any difference.

So sure, the Warrior was in the wrong. You were in the wrong (potentially).

Try to remember that at this time player patience and morale is at rock bottom and stuff happens, both to you and others. Be prepared to Bad Things to happen.

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So by that standard, you have to remain at 100% health at all time?
It’s either this or “the healer isn’t doing enough dps.”

I agree 100% with OP. This isn’t about the tank being in dps spec, its about the rudeness of the community. Neither side is in the wrong, with spec or the face pull, but the moment the tank felt they were disrespected, made to kill a few extra mobs AND say something, there is the wrong.
Understand when you group up with people, even guildmates, “accidents” will happen. “I only group with guildies cause blah blah blah”, as if they aren’t people too.
Have some patience and at least a little respect for other people playing, is what I believe part of OPs message is about.

I have a healer friend that often plays how low can you go. He’ll wait till the last possible moment to heal you. I can’t count the number of times I hit 1% just as a heal comes in.