People are just gettin stupid now

I feel you, I got booted the same way, but I was a healer.

I was pissed, but I’m over it now.

Oh yeah, ‘Happens’ kinda comes off as snarky tho.

Here are the facts:

  1. You made a mistake.
  2. Tank over-reacted.
  3. You reacted to the over-reaction.

Yes that warrior was being an a$$hole, but so were you. Perhaps try to learn how to stand up for yourself without being a jerk first, before calling others stupid.

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2 extra mobs wouldn’t be the end of the world in a 15 either. But it’s still probably better to say “sorry my bad!” than “happens.”

Just say “mb” and move on.

A lesson in humility.


You literally stated the reason lmao


And then you just replying with “happens” is pretty poor of you.


Oh god. It was an accident. Stop being so overly dramatic. A Warrior can handle two extra mobs. If I can do it at my ilvl, then the Warrior at 230 could even easier. It’s not worth the tears.

What does not being 60 yet have to do with pulling extra mobs

First furry warrior can’t tank they can’t hold aggro. Had that happen on my DH and my hunter. I ended up tanking on my DH and I had to tone down my dps on my hunter when MD is on CD. At least be in tan spec and grab a shields and one handed weapon to tank
Normal and heroic dungeon are so easy tank at this point

I got kicked a couple of days ago cause the Tank pulled everything and said it was me to avoid being kicked lol(I was at the back of the group cause I run so slow).

People really need to stop taking the game so cereal.


Alright, keep being a downer then :wink:

But did you die?

it takes 3 or 4 to kick

on the contrary, I am very glad people like you just play with a guild - me I would rather wait a bit longer and play more with people fitting to the style I like.

Then it was 3 or 4 adults that got easily triggered, unless something bigger happened.

ic well maybe you’re just lucky then idk…I guess every player’s experience is different

I have messed up in dungeons sometimes pulling an extra pack, and I always ALWAYS own up to it with…oops so sorry, my bad was an accident. Most of the times the tanks are not really jerks and just continue but I have had people down right refuse to continue unless I got kicked. So it all depends on the ppl you get paired with I suppose.

my favorite was when I pulled literally 1 extra mob and the tank sat there and held the dungeon hostage. I then proceeded to switch to tank spec and we continued while the tank did nothing. Before the last boss someone vote kicked him, reason given “Immature Brat”…I’ll never forget that xD

it’s really not challenging as fury, especially in gear you drastically overpower. I’ve tanked +7 and +8s as fury. You still have insane frontloaded burst and the melee range threat multiplier so in a group where you’re the only or the highest melee you will never drop threat.

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Wish you had a better experience this community doesn’t seem to have any mercy for anyone, I hear you and have been their! super hostile folks in-game and forums. I wish you great luck and hope you still have fun! :slight_smile:

I am not lucky - I get kicked in those situations because I don’t do that. However, I have seen others do that and get away with it.

I have never pulled an extra mob in random dungeon group either. I have managed to do other dumb things though because I can’t see really well in darker environments.

I’m really surprised I haven’t been kicked from randoms more. I once told my group they could wait 2 minutes for me or kick me while I was tanking cause I had to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. They actually waited and were amused by the random sandwich in an instance fix and then laughed when I explained my 3 year old niece had wandered in and asked me to make her a sandwich.

Half you guys woulda kicked me for sure :laughing:

DPS couldn’t get away with that -well actually if you said my 4 year needs this or that, they usually can as well. Children are a great excuse.