People are just gettin stupid now

In normal and heroic dungeons, if you get a dps “tanking” and your a dps, don’t do anything. Too easy for them to lose aggro on mobs and your dead in seconds. Gotta feel for the healer, if they are new or a low level…

But there was a reason; rather than being apologetic you chose to be snarky. 0 Sympathy from me.


weather they were snarky, silent, apologetic…it wouldn’t have matter, given that warriors attitude they would’ve been kicked either way

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Welcome to the mentality Mythic+ has created and Blizzard has encouraged and rewarded. People need to be done with their dungeon 10 minutes ago and anything that slows it down deserves a kick for you dare wasting their time in any way.


Sounds more likely he didn’t want people to know he wasn’t a tank ,but you prove it to the group if he kicked you.

Poo happens.

I think this is the best explanation, ever.

You’re not a person with the LFG tool. You’re just a nameless/faceless number.

The more anonymity you have, the more replaceable you become. (This applies to pug raiding too, due to cross-realm grouping)

Be extra quiet/polite in LFG. You’re just a vote kick away from a 30 minute timeout.

He really already wasn’t by being in the wrong spec. He likely knew it was a cake walk at his ilvl. So two extra mobs isn’t even an inconvenience. He should have just rolled with it. A couple hits and the mobs would be dead.

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that is a learning penalty - how the heck can you pull mobs by ‘mistake’ unless you aren’t paying attention.

Easy when people are doing convoluted trash skips thinking that every level of dungeon needs to be treated like Mythic+ and the dungeon needs to be done 10 minutes ago.


“it happens” needs to come from somewone else - not the one who made the mistake - for it to de-escalate anything :wink:


not really - if people take ownership and apologize, they can often get away with one mistake - seen it happen time and time again.

there was no indication that was being done though - the excuse would have been that and not the ‘happens’.

Blame the emphasis on speed and epeen flexing Blizzard has cultivated and encouraged. And people using cross realm as an excuse to be terrible people without repercussions. It’s like most people on the game are selfish and only care about themselves while at the same time lamenting how community has gone, never realizing that they are part of why.




There’s more to this story.

there actually is enough even with what OP provided - would you like to finish a dungeon with someone who carelessly pulls stuff and then shrugs ‘happens’ when asked about it.

Wow. You mean to tell me players in Warcraft actually took the time to speak to you? That’s incredible.

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Not your fault. A lot of people who like to “flex” in normal or even heroic dungeons while in high ilvl M+/raid gear then act like tools are part of the problem. If the dude signed up as a tank & is in a DPS spec he’s the issue. I would have vote kicked him right away for that crap. I probably would have been reported once he started yapping. I have a very low tolerance for people who mouth off to others in-game if they accidentally pull or just in general act obnoxious & disrespectful because they have the safety net of being behind a computer screen. But that’s because I have the mindset of " if you’re going to be & act like a jerk to me or someone else, I’m going to be more of a jerk to you"

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Its normal leveling. 2 mobs is not that bad. Hell its kind of good for HOA. You get a new new player up in here on courtyard skip to the stairs and they mess it up they don’t pull 2. they pull…20 lol.

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