People are just gettin stupid now

Basically - the quicker is to replace somone - the less tolerance to mistakes.

Only good thing about m+ - you can’t kick players at all. You either learn to play with them or disband entire run.

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dungen it is to hard now pepole gonna rip u to sharts over a dum resan dont no how to be frend any more now is all speed BOOST BOOST if U cant do it then gonna get kick of dungen and LFR as the game get alot tryhard now wanna be best no from get a gooder , no then gonna tare all the pepole done so the cant do dungen dont have a confadanse

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You found a putz who thought he was a great. Too many players forget the reason tanks exist in the first place.


yea you deserved it

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I’ve seen some jerky tanks who type in chat, have fun, you pulled it you tank it!! And move 3 rooms away.

But playing a tank ive also seen dps who grab multiple trash pulls for absolutely no reason.not body pulls, not accidently. They just straight attack something we are no where near either for xp or a shot at trash BoEs.

Even still I don’t call out people. Whether I’m playing tank heals or dps. I’ve been called out multiple times bcz dps like to stand in bad and as a healer I’m supposed to save them, or as a low geared heals in timewalking, with a tank who insists on pulling 5 pulls at a time and refuses to use their own mitigation.

It’s frustrating all-around, and there’s so many intricacies
But all in all I’ve only ever been kicked from 1 pug. And it was sad seeing the tank set up and fail 3 VTKS, only to have them attack me in chat channel to hopefully trigger me into a rage so they could finally pass their VTK. I ignored their ranting and was told I was afk…while drinking water at 10-20% manapool.

Im sure the dps was worn out by then. And proceeded with the Vtk bcz whatever this tank needed I wasn’t cutting it.
It sucks but it is what it is. Which is why I prefer healing guild or family tanks.


typical elitist attitude…Over geared person probably running a friend through a dungeon, someone pulls a little extra that would take 5 seconds to kill. But NOOOOooo, God forbid you pull 2 mobs, oh my, end of the world. Humans aren’t allowed to make mistakes especially in video games. A mistake that had probably 0 consequences and caused no one to die even.

honestly I pity ppl like that, they have no joy in their lives so they bully those that they can in video games because they’re cowards irl.

the only time it’s acceptable to vote kick someone is

  • purposely pulling packs of groups causing wipes
  • afk’ing for way to long
  • any form of verbal abuse or hate speech etc…

btw you’re response was not snarky, because you’re right things like that do happen either way, even if you apologized you would’ve still got booted judging by that warriors attitude.


Wait until they addon the ability for them to report you, and bar you from using the LFG tool.


Dude I main tank. If you cant expect DPS to take naps on their keyboard and have accidental pulls you shouldnt tank. It happens get over it. 2 extra mobs isnt world ending unless you are doing a M+15.


WoW community sucks in general.


Basically. If anything it would’ve gotten you mocked in addition to being kicked. People like that see apologies as a sign of stupidity and/or weakness.


Yea I agree with this as well. If it even backfires on me, I’ll gladly take the lockout and do something else. That crap pisses me off when dps flag as a tank to bypass the wait.


Meanwhile I always stand still at a choke point making sure the DPS and Healer can safely gets passed it and if not I can immediately react. (For some reason I can run passed pacs just fine while the rest of the party just has a bigger aggro circle for whatever reason.)


I never said that but there is no excuse to let the tank drop to 10%. None. There’s no reason why the dps are being allowed to die because the healer is too busy dpsing to do their job. I kept having to res people because the healer was too busy running to the next pack.

Like if you want to DPS that bad queue as a DPS.

I would vote kick your friend in a heartbeat.


He must have been drunk lol and thought he was doing a M+

'Twas but a single run, thou wilt bist fine.


You see, we tanks are infuriated when a DPS gets ahead of us or attacks before accommodating the enemies. Our duty as a tank is to gather 5-10 enemies and then destroy them all as soon as possible, but when a DPS is good or bad, separate enemies from the group. Makes us want to strangle him and burn him alive

Better wait for your tank to go in front and accommodate the mobs. You do not want to be cool because if you do that in a raid or in a mythical dungeon they will expel you right away

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I tend to side with Wild here.

I had a stupid 17 key yesterday on my hunter. We fully wiped 3 times and had our healer (who was in voice chat with me) just do some really stupid stuff. I also messed up one of my wild spirits and completely misplaced one at the start.

Yet despite the huge amount of stuff ups, we time the key. There was during the key a lot of rage too yet somehow we came on top and at the end we were all like ‘wow, gg how the heck??’

We ultimately succeeded and times because each time we stuffed up we all got back into action really fast. If we had gone off and just let the rage manifest then I doubt we’d succeed.

agreed…if you queue as a tank the game should FORCE you to play tank…make the other specs locked when you queue up as a tank even in normal. It’s rather unfair that you can queue up as a tank and switch to dps just because your class has a tanking spec…no fix that

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Yea it sucks when that happens. Just gotta let that stuff roll of your back. I know sometimes that’s easier said than done.

People are just gettin stupid now

Well, I know Ive been running classic retail dungeons a lot the last 12 days or so and even the healers have been annoying the crap out of everyone.
Actually DPS has been behaving themselves lol…its literally been tanks and healers trolling the last while.
I think its players bored with current content, I thought they were new, but they know the routes and short cuts, so its not newbies. Its existing players…but theyre really doing idiotic crap, so I have to assume theyre just coming down into lowbie content to troll.