People already falsely reporting me for language while I advertise my own services

Has anything actually happened besides the notification that you’ve been reported?

Any consequence?

If your messages are legit, nothing will happen.

what they should do is ban all false reports. that will teach the crybabies who are just sad they aren’t good enough to do carries.


The penalty for intentionally false reporting - esp with intent to target and disrupt - is a Suspension.

Proving intent is not quite so easy though so they tend to err on the side of “the report was well intended”.


No, but I have stopped advertising since then. My friend told me he has received that warning before, and when he continued doing whatever he was doing, he received a 7 day ban a bit later. He then appealed it and it got overtuned but he was still out of the game for some time before they got to the appeal.

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What is to stop you from just making an advertisement in a looking for group?

The irony is wild. Sorry I upset you so easily, everything will be okay I promise.


Again… something that never happens. And is widely recognised in the boosting scene where reporting issues are most prevelent.

Communities have had dedicated channels for organising reports on players. I have never seen a single action against anyone for reporting. Despite it being done as ridiculously as 5 players on 10 account multibox’s per person.

No, but I have stopped advertising since then. My friend told me he has received that warning before, and when he continued doing whatever he was doing, he received a 7 day ban a bit later. He then appealed it and it got overtuned but he was still out of the game for some time before they got to the appeal.

You can also use that quote from the OP as further evidence on our other discussion where you were also sharing incorrect information on the advertising reporting processes.

On my realm it’s 400g in mats for something that sells for 270g.

People don’t understand and are reporting anyone who boosts.

As others suggested you probably just have to lay low for a while, the auto squelch system is unfortunate for situations like this.

Anti-boost frenzy right now, would advise against spamming any adverts for a bit.

If u think this is bad for you, so what about the ones who lost arena rating trying to play fair, but just can’t have fun cuz even if they are at low raking, they just can’t better at the game cause of boosting?

Sorry, had to say this, but for your question:

There is a penalty for false report, i think you need to open a ticket to explain the GMs about it, but to prove it won’t be easy i think


Try and multi-box within Blizzard’s allowed language, you’ll be reported within minutes. That has never calmed down, as people still to this day believe that all multiboxing was banned. I see the same happening here, just read half the responses, people truly believe boosting was banned.


do not spam please and you will not be banned


I don’t know if you realize this but in sales you’re basically 1v2ing games.

It’s uncommon, and you can learn plenty of queuing into a better player.

As much as that sucks its the initial pains of this being announced.

In addition to that, people are less likely to EVER approve boosting for Arena so im unsurprised, since your actions negatively impact other players.

Also, Huokan scum are already trying to skirt rules so people are wary.


If you don’t believe me then go ask on the CS forum. It serves as an Information Desk to clarify policies and things. They will be happy to tell you that.

  • Squelch is automated based on some threshold of reports until a GM reviews it.
  • Silence is a penalty applied by a GM
  • Suspension is a penalty applied by a GM

Feel free to go ask


they choose not to understand. they’ve decided it’s cheating, so they’re going to report anybody who does it even if it’s not actually against the rules. it’s a standard technique around here. the motto seems to be “everyone should be able to play the way they want… as long as it’s exactly the same way i play”


so basically, people bullying players who are already following the rules get a free ride.

got it.


I am about 99% sure this has been proven false multiple times. All three of the above can happen automated if there is large enough volume of reports in a short period of time (fake or not).

but that requires competent gm’s which half the GM’s blizzard aren’t

I sent a ticket about a refund on something I bought and they reply oh you didn’t auto unrenew it but we will fix it. like hello? I bought it not auto renewed. They fixed it for me but literally, the e-mail answer was about the completely wrong issue. like reading comprehension is not great among outsourced blizzard GM’s.

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