People already falsely reporting me for language while I advertise my own services

I am an individual that sells arena rating/conquest for gold. I do this on my home server, on one character. I advertise for a total of maybe 30 minutes a day or less. I am not associated with ANY boosting community.

Since the announcement this morning, I have already been falsely reported for language. I have used my macro less than 10 times over the past 2 hours, and it is a small one liner, not a massive paragraph like the boosting communities advertisements.


Now what am I supposed to do? Sit here and get auto-squelched and wait days for a GM to overturn it?


Level a profession


Kekw making money from professions in 2022

Could literally go work at mcdonalds part time and buy tokens with the money earned from one 8 hour shift and come out wayyy ahead of grinding professions for multiple days in a row.


Like i always say: lifes tough then you die.

Sry you cant do your thing anymore but its gonna be a bumpy one for ya. Ah well


Except it is legal for me to do this? It is only illegal to be involved in a community. I am being falsely reported for language.


You think thats bad? When you get a few more of those you will get suspended for 7 days.


Yep. Then they get punished. And on and on and …

Reporting fever should die down in a few days.


Do they actually punish people who falsely report? In BFA I accidentally listed a PvP listing in M+ LFG and got squelched for some reason, I appealed it but by the time a GM got to it the squelch was gone (3 days), even though the GM accepted my appeal…


well, not quite, but they’ll move on to the next outrage target. i’ve seen people here in GD saying they report any druids they see herbing. seriously.


Could literally go work at mcdonalds part time and buy tokens with the money earned from one 8 hour shift and come out wayyy ahead of grinding professions for multiple days in a row.

Thats literally always been the case though

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This…you’d think all these “individual boosters” would be able to read the room and wait a bit.

It’s almost like they’re purposefully poking the bear so they can say they were mauled by a bear.


they should 3 day silence everyone false reporting


Um with professions, yeah. But PvP boosting gold can come pretty close to a minimum wage job and buying tokens, if not more depending on what min. wage is in your area.

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If the forum moderation team is anything to go by,


Like i said: lifes tough then you die.

depends on the realm. i’ve made a good chunk of money effortlessly on one realm i play on with alchemy. on another, margins are too thin to be worth bothering (70g in mats for something that sells for 72g? forget it!)

Appeal the issue, wait a week until the crazies calm down and understand that boosting isn’t banned.


Smashing the lower arena brackets to make gold and carry people is lame. You’re not going to find much sympathy here


Don’t care. That’s not what I am discussing. I am discussing false reports since the changes. Why even bother making a comment in this thread if it has nothing to do with the topic? I will report your post now. Also keep hiding your entire account.