People already falsely reporting me for language while I advertise my own services

People getting reported 20+ times in a few minutes trying to say they aren’t being sus hmm

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maybe they could just cross-reference reports coming from people who post things on the forums like “i’m going to report them anyway”. i’ve seen it already today.

Eye for an eye, OP is a gladiator that purposely tanks their rating to smash lower brackets for gold but gets pissed when people start reporting him for advertising it.

Sounds like a fair trade


my neighbor violates noise ordinances by mowing his lawn too early so i planted drugs on his property and called the cops on him. eye for an eye, baby!


Smart idea, I respect that. I wouldn’t do the same because I can separate real life from video games but you do you.


exactly this.

the players have some power when it comes to moderation and what is considered spam. if you are constantly being reported for spam, you may want to reconsider how many times you post your stuff in the chat.

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The best one is when a GM defies the standard procedure and dismisses a appeal or something that is just… obviously very wrong. And you need another GM to use some sense.

But the same GM gatekeeps you by forcing all your tickets to him and insta-closing them. And you have to wait till his shift ends.

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Nah just makes sure when people are being disruptive are not trying to skirt by some specifc rule of “I only posted every 5 minutes! The rule said that!” and people that will keep spamming such things over and over for hours at a time. If the people on the server don’t want to see it, it’s on that person to not do that anymore. It’s in the rules, so technically said players can be considered breaking rules by being what people deem as disruptive.

I can’t speak for Asia or even the EU, but support for the US is out of the Blizzard offices in Austin, TX. It is not outsourced to another company.

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Aren’t casuals the ones using these services?
If anything would this be puting them in their place by having inferior gear now?
I don’t know man I think you’re overreacting

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I just got silenced for 7 days for posting i was selling Torghast runs… such a healthy game

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Alot of higher players actually buy boosts. Since they have the gold to do it on the regular. Its a self cycling system. It isn’t a ‘only noobs buy’ system. I am a cutting edge raider yet still buy raids for alts because it’s a fast catchup system during content i have no interest in.

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I wasn’t even being serious I was just trying to reason with somebody who seem to be over the top

just for this you should get banned from the game.


exactly right. there are RWF players who buy carries for alts. they did the content months ago, they don’t want to re-progress on it with randoms for weeks. they just want their third mage or whatever geared ASAP for the next patch.

do not spam. spamming is still against the eula.

“Putting” people in their place is the game now?

I’ve never understood why any player would care how another player plays. You’ve got your I.O. They can’t spoil your runs. So far all I’ve seen as the big spoiler are those that leave before the run is finished.

What quantifies spam? /2 allows a message every 45 seconds. Why allow every 45 seconds if it is spam… increase it. Just give a clear ruleset. It isnt hard.

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lot of the time they just get carried in mythic for free by their own guild.

I dont care. Its one thing to dislike the unfair targeting of reports ( which is a legitimate complaint) and another to rant and rave.

Thats all.