Penance wants to Merge to Wild Growth, Make it Happen Blizzard

Listen Blizz. The people have clearly spoken. Overwhelmingly they want server transfers. And not soon, not in a couple of days. Now. Right now. Go open the transfers.


I reckon Blizzard could just individually contact the 6 people still playing on Penance and see what they want to do, no?

I agree that Penance should be allowed to transfer to WG (or wherever else they want) but their opinion regarding OCE transfers for Shadowstrike generally are irrelevant and shouldn’t be taken into account. Penance probably makes up 0.01% of the OCE population. Having them affect Shadowstrike, which is healthy right now, would be madness.

Please let us transfer to Wild Growth!


I literally said we want nothing to do with Shadowstrike. That’s an entirely separate issue and should be treated as such. We just want Blizzard to open transfers to Wild Growth from Penance. That’s it.

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Let Penance move!! We are packed and ready to immigrate peacefully!


Free Penance!!


Free Penance!


FREE Pennance !!!



Elron bumping his own multiple threads on multiple characters and posting his own poll he probably voted on multiple times does not speak for those of us that possess brains and acknowledge that shadowstrike is also a sinking ship. I feel bad for penance that he has literally killed your hopes of playing your characters.


Kinda werid Blizz pulls the plug at the last minute of a solution to a problem they themselves have acknowledged because of “feedback” they received from an utter flog that doesnt play on Penance.
If those playeres want to stay on Shadow Strike, they are free to do so. Why on earth you have roped us into their drama is beyond me.



These threads have demonstrated, unequivocally, that the vast majority (over 95% or more) of Penance players want transfers to Wild Growth opened up. Hundreds of posts are calling for it. They should have been opened up to start with. Blizzard admits Penance is unplayable. I am completely shocked this has come about to start with. The fact that we haven’t seen a blue post by now, 6 hours later, is ridiculous. Open up transfers now Blizzard! A few sweaty players on Shadowstrike do not speak for the OCE player-base. The true player-base has spoken, and loudly.


Bumping… Please open FCMs from Penance to Wild Growth.


Everyone was prepped to leave. Allow our transfers to WG so we can play on a living server, you said it yourself, Penance is dead. I’ll take 150ms over a dead server any day.


Come home from work ready to transfer off Penance to find nothing but absolute shenanigans.

Apparently being happy with the announcement and not feeling any need to voice my agreement on the forums is the same as implicitly agreeing that OCE realms shouldn’t have the option to change servers.

Not exactly sure how that works, but just to dispel any uncertainty here I am. Please let us transfer to Wild Growth from Penance.

I don’t know why this is even up for discussion. If there is such a huge majority on SS that want to stay on SS then they can simply… stay on SS. Pretty poor form for them to try and force the unwilling to stay on their server. Afterall, they are such a tiny majority, aren’t they? What’s the harm in letting them leave SS if they want to?


Agreed. Let us transfer off of Penance. Its a ghost town.


FREE PENANCE… AND FREE SHADOWSTRIKE TOO!!! Let us off the sinking ship.


Nobody on SS cares even a little bit about the 6 people still playing on Penance. Nobody has said the Penance shouldn’t be allowed to transfer out. The only people that care about staying is the majority of SS players, on SS.

The gaslighting Penance players are doing is unreal.

Because Blizzard are going to put a bunch of other restrictions on SS when they allow transfers, which will kill off the server. If it was only opening transfers it’d be less of an issue.

That’s cute. Saying no one on SS cares about Penance… and yet here you are in a thread that is exclusively about Penance.


Except it isn’t, because multiple posters keep bringing SS into it, like the Craz sock puppet and the guy I was replying to.

Ah yes the retail sock puppet calling the sod toon a sock puppet. Checks out.

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