Penance wants to Merge to Wild Growth, Make it Happen Blizzard

Practically the entire Penance server was packed up and ready to move to Wild Growth when we recieved a message stating some people from Shadowstrike have ruined that for us.

Please allow Penance to transfer off before our server dies completely.



FREE PENANCE! We want to be free! FREE PENANCE!


All of the raiding guilds on Penance are still packed and ready to go to Wild Growth. A lot of hard work has gone into preparing for this move, and we’ll be doing it together as a community.

We’re excited to be going to a bustling, globally active PvE server.

We don’t want to join with a PvP server (Shadowstrike) and we can absolutely accept the ping time to Wild Growth for PvE, which is half of the ping we had back in 2004 when we happily chose Proudmoore US as the “Aussie” PvE server, formed our own Aussie community there and still completed and loved all the vanilla raids.

Pull the trigger please Blizzard. Lets go.


I Dont Get it?!
You screwed Penance, literally at the last minute, for no other reason than another server in our “virtual region” that ISNT and will NEVER want to be PVE server, threw a hissy fit about merging with ShadowStrike.
How does this effect the future of a realm u acknowledge is difunctionally terminal, who’s problem of dwindling population could easily be rectified by a simple realm transfer.
Sure the ping is a bit higher, but we can actually play the game. we can run dungeons (LFG advertises for about 6 total per day!!), join a pug raid (i have never seen one advertised since i joined the realm!!), or Level an alt and actually see and be joined by others also levelling (encountered maybe 5-6 people total under 60 levelling my first toon to 60!!).
This grand SOD experiment will be coming to an end shortly, so Just Do It!! You Loose Nothing!! Open that transfer Button!!! Let us get back to enjoying the greatest game ever made !!!


Wild Growth Horde player here.

The server is currently outnumbered 3-1 in terms of Alliance to Horde, and speaking as a recruiting officer of a Horde guild, the entirety of the server (Horde and Alliance) was buzzing with the prospect of having an influx of new players join to help boost activity and the economy as a whole. I think a lot of Penance players would be surprised to discover how many OCE players are already on Wild Growth, having given up on Penance months ago.

To me, it sounds like the best solution is to allow Penance to transfer. But the reality sounds like it’s all or nothing - it isn’t cost-feasible to keep an OCE server open for a single realm, so the idea was to push all of OCE to US and shut down the server completely. But if you don’t, you have to keep 2 realms open to justify keeping the server up.

SoD continues to bleed players across the entirety of the servers, US EU and OCE. Rip the band-aid off and force the transfer. Else you’ll revisit this in 3 months when you force it anyways as Shadowstrike loses players from this veiled promise of a move followed by a rug-pull so epic, you’d think it was a crypto scheme. But you’ll have already lost more Penance players, and thus, shot yourselves in the foot yet again.

Listening to feedback is good. Overreacting to feedback in the moment is bad. Find the balance. You told players to prepare for a move. Something like that can’t be promised/communicated, then last-minute changed. You’ve now up-ended two sets of people - those who didn’t want to move, but more importantly, those who did.

Free Penance.


One of the most reasonable and sound responses I’ve actually read on these forums all day. Thanks Deathy. Really hoping they open transfers.

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how on earth did one man and his discord poll of 300 people torpedo an entire regions merge 3 minutes before it happened



A few forum trolls, and a meaningless discord poll DO NOT speak for me. They DO NOT speak for OCE, and they DO NOT speak for Penance.

Stop listening to trolls.

Allow players the choice to do as they wish. If the player base does indeed like SS, they will not transfer and the server will be safe.

What SS does has nothing to do with Penance. Let Penance free.

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Hey Blizzard, while we’re at it, the term “Oceanic” should be routinely ignored.

Those who use it claim “Oceanic this” “Oceanic that” “Oceanic thanks you for your service”.

They claim to represent all players from multiple servers from a whole continent - they absolutely do not. They have only their own self interests at heart, all the while pulling the “Oceanic” card. It’s complete and utter bull. Learn to ignore it, please.

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They know atleast 20-30% of the pop wants to transfer off to a more populated server, even if the ping is worse.

And they know the current population isn’t healthy enough to lose even 20% of their population.

They’re in healthy guilds that raid log so the current low pop doesn’t really affect them.

bump to contribute to Freeing Penance!

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+1. Hoping penance players can get an immediate solution!
Would also love to see some steps taken forward for future development towards instance seeding.

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Server is dead. let us off!!


Im not on either of their servers but I support their decisions. :muscle:

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Bumping for Penance freedom.


To add insult to injury. They locked character creation on Wild Growth. If you have a horde PvP character, you could only make an Alliance Character on Penance that would go to Wild Growth after the merge.

This means anyone that made an alliance character on Penance to prepare for Wild Growth is stuck… very lame.

Got my Paladin to 23 for deadmines so it can play on a server that has groups and it is stuck in a baron wasteland. Glad I stopped when I did!

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Bumping. Please let us transfer from Penance to Wild Growth.


Thus saith the Lord God of Penance, Let my people go, that they may find groups for dungeons.

We’re still here and ready to transfer.

Free Penance

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