Penance wants to Merge to Wild Growth, Make it Happen Blizzard

Please free, us Blizz. We want to go to Wild Growth :sob:


Open the transfers and you will see Penance (AU) players move to Wild Growth. The developers have said themselves in a blue post that the server “no longer supports actual group play.”

I want to transfer away from all Season of Discovery OCE Realms. There is no other option for these characters. OCE on Season of Discovery does not support actual gameplay and this will only get worse over time.


I’ve been on Penance since day one. It has been a difficulty keeping motivated in the game due to the small size of the server, and the shrinking player base (on the daily). Please free us! Let us out of this prison with our hard work!


At first I didn’t want the transfers to happen but I’ve been convinced otherwise. Please let penance move to wild growth. Do not look for a solution that merges us with shadow strike, we are two very different communities and do not want to play with them


Bumping this thread because that’s what Elron did 800 times a day. Penance wants to transfer to Wild Growth.


bumped free my alts


I’ve played this game for 20 years and this is the worst backflip decision I’ve seen.
Give players Freedom to choose please Blizzard - If you open transfers and everyone takes the opportunity you’ll know it was the right decision, if everyone on SS stays (which they won’t the PVP server can stand on it’s own. And no, you can’t merge the two together, PVE players choose their server type for a reason, so as not to be ganked while enjoying the game.


Open the transfers for Penance (AU) characters as originally intended. I will go to Wild Growth.


In the fading lands of Penance, a server once so bright, Troll Priest Zajas wandered through eternal night.
The cities stood empty, the forests whispered low, for the people of this realm had long ceased to grow.

The auction house was barren, the dungeons left undone, no parties call for assistance, no battles to be won. Zajas cast his embrace into the void of fading light, but without the souls to answer, all was lost in flight.

“Wild Growth calls me,” Zajas thought, where life still thrived and swayed, but Penance held him tight, in shadows where dreams decayed.
The population dwindled, too small to hold the flame, and Zajas knew too well this was the end of the game.

Blizzard’s grasp was rigid, no transfer would they give, in a realm of ghostly whispers, how long could those remain live?
Zajas begged to leave the hollow halls, where echoes filled the air, but Blizzard overlords were silent, as if they didn’t care.

His vamperic embrace was wasted, his spells no longer known, for a server without people is but a grave of stone.


Please enable free transfers from Pennance (AU) to Wild Growth.
Seriously we are the only 2 pve realms in the us region and the population of Penance (450ish A/H) isnt even a decent percentage of wildgrowth (12500ish)


Please let us move off of Penance. Its a a dead server. its clear that Penance players are keen to move to Wild Growth!


My hero. - Arathyll


This and only this , let uis have the experience we want


Blizz, you’ve been caught with your Penance down. Please cover up this shame and open transfers for Wild Growth!


Hundreds of replies furious transfers have been taken away from us. 2? 3? repliers in support. How much clearer can it be? Open up transfers NOW! Like go and press your buttons now Blizz. We are sitting here waiting for you to see sense. Free Penance to go actually play the game we pay you for.


Please open Pennance up to Xfer - thanks. Don’t pet a few whiny lads ruin it for the rest of us.


I want off PENANCE.


Blizzard- can you take a proper look at Penance because if you do you’d realise our ah is virtually empty and we were all saying our goodbyes last night ready for a move we’ve been talking about for weeks. Our server was ready and willing to move. We were excited to go! Not only that but there are oce region players on WG looking forward to us coming over. People took days off today to move their toons and secure their names. Guild bank toons were cleaned up ready to go. Leaving it until the last minute to tell us that we are no longer included in this merge instead of checking in with the silent majority makes us feel like an afterthought. Incredibly disappointing I hope this is overturned


Please don’t group us in with Shadowstrike, let us leave and get as far as possible from them. Free Pennance, please soon!


I cant believe I came home looking forward to xfer and then this…LET US GO!!!