Penalty For Leaving M+

nobody is forcing you to stay.

there is no penalty to leaving a failed key.

Although it is bad when a leaver rips a key, announcing that leavers would get banned without giving a clear guideline to the players was not the answer.

I doubt this policy is deterring too many real leavers. But, it is definitely making some people unnecessarily anxious and feel forced to stay in bad keys because they don’t want to risk getting banned.


Every person’s experiences will vary but I can foresee someone who’s just unlucky in what keys they get into and they just have to deal with it and waste their time, get banned, or avoid the content altogether.

The ban is for people who habitually leave keys with the sole intent to grief other players. If you give a clear guideline, those people will continue griefing up until right before the guideline and then wait until reset to do it again. That doesn’t solve any issues.

Repeatedly leaving 5 seconds after the key is put in is intentionally griefing. Leaving halfway through the dungeon when everyone is constantly dying or after multiple wipes to the same boss is not intentionally griefing.

I think it’s just plainly those who habitually do it. A person who is overly sensitive may not be griefing but it would seem that way.

The original announcement used the phrase “a great many” to describe the frequency of leaving that would trigger action. Do you leave “a great many” of the groups you join?

That’s a bit ambiguous too. Some would say 2 times is too many. But I guess if you told them the exact number, they’d purposefully skate that line.

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They can’t give an exact number or people will game the system

We can use some basic critical thinking to see that it would require a ton of intentional griefing to get suspended. Not leaving legit bad keys.

I think the extreme examples of when we might get banned or definitely will not get banned are generally understood. The issue is when it is in between. It is completely unclear.

I understand Blizzard cannot give a clear guideline because people will just tip toe around it then. But, if the policy can only be vaguely enforced like this, then it is not a good policy since it will inevitably cause confusion and anxiety for the player base.

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Then nobody should be making posts asking “if I leave one key will I be banned?”

Are you going into a large amount of keys with the sole intention of leaving early and bricking it for the rest of the group? If yes, you could possibly be banned. If no, then you have nothing to worry about. Blizzard can tell the differences simply by looking at logs and repeated behaviors.

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My counter point is people know when they are intentionally grieving by leaving in mass.

If you ask yourself “am I intentionally leaving a large amount of keys specifically to grief”…and you are unsure of the answer…

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I don’t see why someone would join a key just to intentionally leave. Sounds like a pure waste of time.

Now someone who is overly sensitive and leaves at the first mistake, fishing for perfect runs is who one would consider a problem, but they may not be giggling as they’re clicking on the leave function.

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I have to check if there are any apocalypses slated for today, we’ve agreed twice today.

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It’s the flu season, if that counts.

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Their enjoyment comes from upsetting other players. They’re pathetic in real life and take it out on people in a game to make themselves feel better. Pretty much like a playground bully in elementary school.

You may be right, there could be people out there like that but I’m saying that overly sensitive people aren’t aiming to upset people but rather pad their feelings about being mad for mistakes.

Players need that line so that can push up against it.


How badly am I allowed to behave, before I get into trouble?


If your intention going in is to jump out immediately at the first mistake and you do it often enough, Blizzard will see it in logs after enough reports and you could potentially be banned.

I’ve done hundreds of keys the past couple expansions. I can count on one hand the amount of intentionally griefed keys I’ve seen. It might take my other hand for someone who leaves at the first death. The overwhelming majority of people leave because the group is crap and don’t want to waste their time. And that’s fine.

I agree with you. I was just saying that they may not be doing it with the goal to upset people. Like joining, once timer starts, leaving and laughing to themselves. That is grief but seems like a total waste of time since they’re wasting their own time. I mean, nothing better to do?

After seeing some of the idiocy and scum on the forums I can def see people doing it to get enjoyment out of it.

I don’t think it’s common which is why the bans affected almost no one.