Pelagos, WoW's First Transgender Character(Confirmed)

no one even knows what gandalf’s or sauron’s sexual preferences or gender identification are though…we just know about their appearance and how other characters perceive them…i mean…to compare the two is kind of absurd.

i mean for all we know gandolf and sauron identify as transgender…none of that was seen as mattering in the story. so it simply isn’t in the story.

in fact if i had to describe either i would describe them as asexual because that’s all we see of them

Also, I don’t recall ever seeing Pelagos in his female form out in the world ever in WoW.

For a character we’ve never even met before in life, there shouldn’t be any reason for him to ask the player to refer to him as a he/him, because that’s what the perception of his form is already, a he/him.

Reminder, these threads are extremely useful to show you who to ignore since usually during game discussions most posters wont show their disdain against LGBT+ representation or even people themselves.

That way if you see a bigot trying to argue about how representation is bad, sjws, agendas, virtue signaling etc, you know they are a person you should ignore so you never even see their other posts


Actually, the only reason people are arguing is because Ralph created a bait thread, as he does, trying to get people to fight. He does this all the time.

The initial negative reaction was actually about Ralph creating a bait thread, than the trans issues themselves. Then, anyone talking about the issues were teased into arguing about those issues… which is why we have a 200 post thread about nothing.

I only ever show up in these sorts of threads is because I’m kind of used to explaining LGBT+ stuff to people who don’t quite get it.

Also I’m like the world’s angriest LGBT+ person.



Oh, I just noticed, there’s censored profanity in his mouth, lol.

YUP that is basically me.

are you doing okay? I’m not sure that’s a title you should be proud of XD

OMFG, they just added an option to ignore people forever (Previously it was max at 6 months)


It’s about dam time.

I’m not familiar with Ralph and apparently he’s regarded as a troll around here… but I don’t see him making a fuss really. Maybe if I had better context about who he is around the forums I would think differently. My perception initially was that he was excited about the character and wasn’t here to entertain people who don’t think the character should exist. I did go back and re-read his initial post though and actually I do see how it could have intentionally led to this whole thread blowing up… which prompted my own responses? I guess I didn’t think defending the character’s existence from people who do have a problem with it as “making a fuss” but rather responding to the fuss.

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I’m sorry, but that was not a topic that was ever critical to Gandalf’s mission on Middle-Earth, nor was it something that was ever necessary to be discussed. This is why I appreciated the open-book nature of Tolkien. He never said “No this is not the case.” where it related to Middle-Earth.

Instead he always left his answers with an open-ended style by responding with “It is entirely possible” or “I suppose it could very well have been so…” 9/10 times. Since Tolkien is considered in many ways the father of modern Fantasy, it’s not absurd to make the claim. Especially when there are very easy parallels to spot, if your not close-minded.

Even the Bible itself discusses at length in the New Testament how marriage in Heaven is not the same as it is on earth. Got a problem with that statement? Take it up with Jesus. He said it. But the core point I am making is simply this. This sort thinking is not new. However it is a thinking that has been seriously suppressed for a long time, as older societies assigned wrongfully a belief that it was ‘evil’ or ‘unnatural’.

The player asks Pelagos a question. Pelagos answers honestly.

That’s all anyone needs to know. I salute Blizzard for a job well done on this.


I have small anger issues and I opt to use that anger into learning and passing on info.

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He just responded to himself… because no one was talking about how important it is to ignore people that disagree with you… in a thread created to troll people.


I would never put someone on ignore.
You may not like what they say but you’re always going to miss out of parts of conversations that way.


Marginalized anger is valid. They can feel whatever they want. You don’t have to be a zen master to be valid.

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Ralph goes around making posts that will get people in the thread to argue, he doesn’t have to make a fuss cause he says just enough to get everyone else riled up and then watches the thread burn.

You could go through his post history and see that basically every thread he starts just has everyone going at one another while he sits back and doesn’t say much. When the thread starts to die down he will start making random comments poking at people to get it going again.

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I’ll take Ralph at this moment as opposed to some knife-eared expletive in another topic.

I don’t think it’s fair to anybody to label them a troll just because they have the balls to start conversations on conversationally difficult topics.

None of us may ever know Ralph’s motives, but it’s a bit unfair to assume he’s a troll with no reasonable backing.

Anger and frustration in general is valid. What people do with those emotions is what’s important.