Pelagos, WoW's First Transgender Character(Confirmed)

Read through a fair bit of this and yikes!

Good on blizzard I say.

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I don’t think you understand the saying. It’s fine, I don’t actually care very much. The point is, maybe your doctor knows what’s right for you, even if you don’t think so. Certain medications, if taken improperly can be life threatening or habit building. Take penicillin as a great example. Taken properly it could save your life, and improperly could kill you.


Oh, and where should I start with this “research”? What wisdom that you possess, should I try to gain? That trans people suffer issues in the US? Well, I’ve already stated that. In fact I expanded on points that you made. So, I assume I’ve demonstrated some knowledge of these issues.

The character isn’t virtue signalling but the fanfare they made around it is.

There is no incorrect way to add diverse characters, but there are methods of adding them that are meant to be inflammatory, which is why there’s such a divide between announced trans Pelagos discussion, and very little towards characters like the Lesbians in the monk order hall.

oh yay another Ralph thread



Do you think Blizzard added this character because they are trying to be inflammatory?

Nah, not really. I don’t even think Blizzard actually made a statement about it other than the pronoun change, which only made sense. People are kicking up a stink over nothing, honestly.

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I think that overtly announcing Pelagos as transgender is inflammatory, they know it’s a hot button topic that will get people talking, and will further divide their playerbase.

I wasn’t aware that they actually did this, did they tweet about it? Because I would agree that this is problematic, if they actually did that.

Clearly doesnt feel hollow based on what happens at every single thread related to anything LGBT.
It seems to severely enrage people who want to forget LGBT+ is part of reality, and that is something positive because if someone gets annoyed by the existence of LGBT+ there’s something wrong with them.

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I suppose we can’t really know their true motives.
But I think both sides of the argument for or against the inclusion are making the fuss over nothing.

There’s a character. They’re completely unimportant. Move on.

Not to answer for Triksi, but I would say no. Blizzard devs seem to be very liberal minded so it’d be easy to associate them with a pro trans mindset. The issue however, is that we can’t tell if it’s a genuine heartfelt moment by Blizzard, or opportunism.

Blizzard has had over 15 years to make these statements, but never did. Star Trek (as an example) talked about these issues over 30 years ago, so, why didn’t Blizzard?

Again, I think Blizzard associates are all fine and well people, but there is room for skepticism.

I feel like if it had been just flat-out opportunism, they wouldn’t have made the initial change to Pelagos’ pronouns.

i don’t understand why i am supposed to care about this either way


That’s a good point, but I’m not sure either way.

I think it’s safer to assume that their motives are good. At least then at the end of the day we haven’t found another enemy to hate and berate.

I think it should be enough that they are doing something good for the community, even if I as a person don’t fully understand their motives.

The fanfare is being made by others, not by Blizzard principally.

Just accept it and move on? I mean I’m as straight as they come and I’m happy for trans-people. I have friends who are that way. I don’t judge them, and I’m glad to see stories like this because it tells them what I have told them for years. “You are not alone, nor is there anything wrong with you. You are who you are.”

Frankly I like how they handled it, because it evokes what Tolkien once used as the concept behind Gandalf, Sauron and the Maia. Check it. Gandalf started out as Olorin, an ‘angel’ of a sort. But when Olorin went to Middle Earth, "they cloaked their light in flesh, and took the form of old men.".

Olorin thus became Gandalf the Grey, and then as Olorin died, (much as Sauron died), their light and darkness became more and more difficult to conceal, as their true state became more and more apparent. Seems the same is the case here with Pelagos, so why would I have any issue? Why should anyone?

With Gandalf the White, you saw Gandalf almost as that Maia (Maia are akin to angels in Lord of the Rings) truly was in Valinor. By contrast with Sauron, Sauron lost the ability to have a fair seeming form. Instead the only form Sauron could take on was a mass of hate, rage, fire and an all seeing eye; showcasing his obsession to recover his ring.

As Tolkien himself said it best: “An eternity turns one, into oneself.”

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I mean I agree with this 100%, but the only reason there are people arguing is because one side is making a big fuss about the character existing and people like me are questioning why there is a fuss in the first place.

Because some folks lack basic empathy and god knows what else.
The very thought of trans people living their best life seems an affront to them.

If you don’t care you don’t have to be here is the thing.

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what side though as this thread was made by someone pro :stuck_out_tongue: