I’m pretty comfortable calling him a troll.
He really does start flame wars on purpose.
He literally doesn’t care. He’s talks about the issues because he wants people to fight. If the social hot button issue were about “Not enough people are kicking dogs!”, then he’d be here as their biggest champion. He doesn’t care.
Flame wars only erupt because of irrational people. Not because of Ralph. That’s like blaming a YouTuber for what their fanbase is doing that’s unacceptable.
I have yet to concuss someone with a baseball bat, so far we’re gucci with that anger.
Oh you’re absolutely right, if it was anyone else but Ralph or Clark, then I wouldn’t automatically think it was a troll thread, however if you go through the post history and look at the threads themselves entirely, you’ll see the pattern I’m speaking of.
he may not start the fire but he’s always there to hand out the matches.
Every thread is kindling for him.
Feeling angry isn’t a bad thing. It’s a natural reaction to something that isn’t going quite right.
Without knowing you, I’d say, don’t be too hard on yourself. People are usually their own worst critics.
And the people who light the fires show how much of the community is bigoted/unreasonable/other choice of buzzword that negatively describes someone. These threads show more than they take away.
my point is why should i care about any gender identity type stuff unless it is relevant to the story.
you’re literally just illustrating my point. tolkien only focused on what was actually relevant to the story…which is the exact opposite agenda of having characters exist solely to talk about their personal identity type issues in ways that are totally irrelevant to the the story.
therefore the analogy is absurd and diametrically opposed to everything tolkien stood for
Nah, we use the anger as a springboard for hilarious shenanigans.
The thing is a lot of irrational people can’t admit they are irrational, even when others prove them wrong. Sort of like that time you said I was misrepresenting you even though I used an exact quote…
im mean fury warriors use it to do dmg…so why cant i use it for something useful to…
one day i will
that doesn’t make him less of troll just because you can find people you dislike on his threads though.
Oh but it is, because it directly influenced many of the godfathers of early fantasy. C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, so many others. Let me try to use words that don’t automatically trigger your intolerance flags. As the Klingons say in Star Trek. “Tsh, the body… it’s just a shell. Do with it what you will.”
Pelagos shed their body, and their soul is exactly what it was intended to be.
They found their eternal peace, free of the prejudice and petty hatred that mars a mortal’s mind.
Then you ostracize them, just like people were doing with you when they started flagging every one of your posts. Your arguments had very little if not no logic behind them.
Oi, Ralph. Let it go. The people you’re trying to annoy with this care less than you do about the whole thing.
It’s all fine and dandy that Pelagos is trans. All I care about is how he’s gonna up my dps and what quest rewards I might get.
Pretty much, people cant hide behind the fake nice guy image that is just talking about vidya when such topics arise.
If someone has disgusting beliefs I dont want anything to do with them, it doesnt matter how nice or friendly they act.
I will agree with you once any kind of LGBT+ thread started by me or someone else doesnt get instantly flagged and filled with bad faith arguments to attack our existence.
Based on what I am seeing, we are still 1-2 generations before that, and considering climate change, I doubt the human species will survive to see that.
I feel like I’m gonna be buddybuddy with him on my shaman.
birds of a feather something something.
It can, but it’s more akin to burning down a house because you saw a spider. Yes, you do kill that spider, but you’ve ruined everything else in the process.
I think if anything you should be harder on people like Ralph. Because he’s abusing an actual issue so that he can get people to fight. Not because he wants to further a conversation, but because he just wants them to fight. He’s a kid with a magnifying glass, burning ants… There’s not a lot of logic behind it, just the aftermath of his actions.