Pelagos, WoW's First Transgender Character(Confirmed)

It is now official that he is trans so Blizzard once again said: “TRANS RIGHTS”

It is great to see Blizzard adding more diverse characters in shadowlands that reflect reality rather than some limited outdated fantasy, the more diverse the characters the more interesting any media is.

Blizzard’s reason for this matters little, what matters is that we see more representation and realistic characters that arent one dimensional boring tough guy stereotypes. And it is also a clear message to the people who want to pretend different people dont exist, we do, and we are in video games now so you cant hide from reality.

Also for those who are gonna go: “wtf, this is PoLiTiCs, there no need for diverse characters, equality is here” you might want to think why WoWhead was forced to turn of comments in that artcle.


I didn’t care about the straight characters and I honestly don’t care about the gay ones. All I want are interesting ones that help expand the story and make for a good expansion.


I like Pelagos’ character. Unfortunately there will always be people who will want every story to conform to fit their prejudices, even when there is literally no downside to them.

Surely you don’t mean to imply you don’t care for ANY of the side characters? You know the one’s that make World of Warcraft feel like an actual world? Its not like their existence detracts from the main story which you’re so very concerned about.


I have mixed feelings on if they really count as trans since it was a post death you get to chose type deal.
Not a problem with it either way but feels odd calling them trans to me


Not that I care one way or the other, but I don’t think death as a transition really counts.


Did I say that or did I say I DON’T GIVE A DAMN ABOUT THEIR SEXUAL INDENTIY? I know it’s late but try actually reading what I posted. All I want is interesting characters, I don’t care if they are virgin furries.


its a Ralph thread, he makes them to get people to be fightybois


If you read what the character mentions, it’s pretty obvious it is. Especially since the sentiments are held by a lot of trans people.

I don’t really know how it can be misconstrued to be anything else.


Dying and being reincarnated as a different gender doesn’t make someone trans. That’s literally just baseline reincarnation.


I’m not debating that when alive they were female.
I’m debating that changing form after dying doesn’t feel like being trans to me.


Because you clearly tried to imply something I didn’t say. Next time read what was posted instead of what you thought was posted.


It’s not Pelagos that’s the problem. It’s the virtue signaling Blizzard is doing that has never been needed with pretty much all of past characters that is coming out and saying what this character is before we even play the expansion.


The character explicitly states that their female form did not suit them, and their male form does. So they are trans by definition.


Being trans isnt relevant to one’s transition, someone can still be trans even if they arent able to transition for social/economical reasons etc.

Trans isnt something you “see”, and hopefully you dont confuse trans people with drag queens which are not trans


Yeah, I honestly don’t know why he doesn’t get more vacations. His threads are created with a mindset to cause as much trouble and stress as possible, while abusing just causes like trans issues, or black rights. He does this all the time, and it’s kind of sad and pathetic.


This is exactly false. The transition is EVERYTHING about being a trans… hence why it’s called trans… short for transitioning.


It is what you said that carried the implications.

The character literally says they were a female in life but always felt in the wrong body/gender and so were delighted that their spiritual Kyrian form represented their true identity as a male.

The Kyrian’s bodies/forms aren’t randomized, their form fits their spirit/persona. They are definitely Trans.


you might have an argument about them before death.
However post death im not sure.
They completely changed form. Species in a way.
I wouldnt say labels like that count at that point.

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While true the dialog about not feeling right in a female body and now right a male one is correct, that is the way most transgender feel. This character is clearly being shown in that light for a reason. And I don’t have a single problem with that. I just want them to use the characters to create an interesting story line. If this one helps in that way, great!