Pelagos, WoW's First Transgender Character(Confirmed)

Maybe actually use the quote system, I don’t trust you to quote things accurately.

By definition a trans person experiences gender dysphoria. it has nothing to do with actions. Please research the definition and understand what a trans person actually is.

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actually that’s not true.
Trans in an umbrella term.
But not everyone uses it as an umbrella term.

It can get quite confusing.

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As a bi myself, it feels, at this point, like a LOT of diversity cramming all at once just to be able to say they’re doing it. Usually when I say I want more representation, I mean that I want it to be meaningful, not that I want everyone to suddenly be diverse just because it looks good for PR.

And that’s what this feels like. It feels hollow. I mean I’m glad for the representation, but the circumstances make it feel a little insincere.

I copy and pasted your words exactly, ctrl-F exists.

Use. The. Damn. Quote. System. Nobody trusts quotes that are “copy-pasted,” I myself think you’re trying to misrepresent me.

which is your favorite thing to do

How much you want to bet that I posted your exact words and you’re just getting nit-picky over it?

Oh look! Here they are! looks like I was right.

Also on that Gender Dysphoria thing, yes trans people have or had gender dysphoria, but what about male and females who experience it? The binary sexes people identify with can also get gender dysphoria, right?

Eh, playing devils advocate here.

If you are taking serious, life altering medications that need to be administered at certain time periods and you aren’t taking them appropriately, then yes I can see a doctor stepping in and saying that you might want to be off of said medications.

Also, you sound like you need a primary doctor. Someone who knows you and your medications. Multiple doctors will run into issues like the ones you’re having, it’s only natural.

This is less an issue with trans people, and more an issue of non-trans people abusing the prison system. Crime rate among trans people is actually incredibly low. Usually their aggression is focused internally instead of externally.

Compared to what? Compared to black people, compared to white people, compared to Jewish people? Trans people are a small percentage of the US population, and the crimes against them even smaller. Jewish people are a larger percent of the population and absorb a disproportionate amount of hatred.

Hey, remember Nick Cannon? Yeah, that literally just happened.

Does this excuse what happens to some trans people, no, but it generally happens to all people everywhere.

I never said anything like this. You’re going on a rant, and I assume a lot of your points are auto-pilot knee-jerk reactions or ventings of past frustrations. I can’t help you there.

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I haven’t flagged any posts you’ve made, as far as I’m aware. Still haven’t had my coffee, so who knows.

I have flagged posts in this thread, but they aren’t yours.

Me not believing you aside, we can all agree that flags mean nothing on this forum.

If I flagged your post I would tell you. I don’t have any reservations about that.

That would make them trans so I’m not sure what you’re trying to say or what it has to do with the fact that Pelagos was a man who experienced gender dysphoria because he had a female body and was therefore a trans person.

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I did look up the definition of Gender Dysphoria, I don’t know where you get your definitions from, mine’s from google, and I saw a headline about it on the Wikipedia link. But here is the quote " People with gender dysphoria are typically transgender."

This directly supports my argument that it’s not just trans people that have gender dysphoria, ANYONE can get it whether they’re Cis or not.

I can empathize with that. Any suggestions for what would make it more meaningful? What circumstances specifically make it feel insincere and how could Blizz improve that area?

Devil’s advocate has a place, and this isn’t it.

And that wasn’t an argument I was making, they were examples as to how discriminatory practices still exist in the “West” with the latter leading into further issues, intended to incite… actual… research… because it’s painfully obvious you literally know nothing on the subject.

Anyway, I’m not here to talk to a brick wall. Good luck with… whatever it is you’re trying to do.

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Well in this case, Pelagos is transgender, as confirmed by Blizz.

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And that’s why I said they’re virtue signaling, because there has been no need to announce any LGBT characters before Pelagos, but they still have representation.

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That is really cool. Props to Blizzard for writing such a story up. It’s not virtue signalling. It’s writing. Just because someone doesn’t like it, doesn’t mean it’s not as legitimate as any other writing by any other author. Sorry to say, but times change. Maybe if we talk our problems out, we all can reach a better tomorrow.

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Do you think there is a “correct” way to add LGBT characters and if so what would it be? Because representation is not a bad thing and it is arguably needed especially with Blizzard games. Them lacking diverse humans is an example.

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