Pelagos, WoW's First Transgender Character(Confirmed)

I would never play a void elf no offense, not thicc and relatable enough.

Its not a strawman. its his opinion, and its also something he is trying to decide about the lbgt community

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He was a person in a female body who felt like they were better suited to be a man. So that means he was trans. But I guess technically not anymore since he’s a male now.


I am saying YOU are creating the strawman by taking his opinion and misinterpreting it as him stating what should be as if he was a dictator. YOU are the problem, not him. Your response should have been “You’re entitled to your opinion” and move on.


This is again, policing. And you are also strawmanning by misrepresenting my response and saying I represented him as a dictator which never actually happened.

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Hence not trans. It’s more damaging to trans people to assume that someone that is biologically male is trans then to call him what he is: male. Pretending that someone is trans when they aren’t is only discrediting people that actually have to go through a real transition. This dude had to DIE to even do this, like, you do realize that, right?

Oh but it’s okay for you to panic and slam the inappropriate button on someone stating a medical fact. Do the words gender dysphoria and mental illness scare you? Your fragile narrative is so easily shattered. Seek help. Therapy will aid you.

I’m not denying that?? In fact my post clearly agrees with you. He’s a biological male now. But he still experienced being trans in life.

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yeah i don’t think labels like that apply when you changed form so much that you are no longer the species you were in life.

With an entire afterlife to go, the term becomes a bit redundant.

So he isn’t trans. Done and done.

No I am not strawmanning anything, I added in the comparison to a dictator which is what he would have been akin to if he was saying what you misinterpreted him to saying.

I never implied or said that you thought he was a dictator.

You don’t, and it shows by the nothing you posted here.

I don’t care if you have trans friends or worked with trans people, I’m an actual trans person living within the country that has to put up with the multifarious blockades to a variety of resources I need. But I’m assuming, that, no doctor you had threatened to take away your medication because you mentioned, offhandedly, that you wanted help trying to find a way to remember to take them? Or being forced on other medications you suffer debilitating side-effects from, because the doctor you’re seeing claims they’ll take away your HRT prescription under an assumption the former medication was prescribed in conjunction with them (and not for a separate issue). Or an interviewer for a position states that you have to follow regulation for your gender assigned at birth, or have police officers mock you for wearing attire because you weren’t yet able to get the gender identification mark changed over on your ID.

Or how trans people will be placed into incorrect prisons if they end up prosecuted for a crime, or the treatment they face within the prison system. Not to mention how, even right now, a lot of the basic amenities for trans people are under fire with a resurgence of re-arguing over conversion therapy for trans people.

Not to mention the amount of hate crimes that still occur, and how those cases are rarely investigated properly by authorities.

And all of this is stuff, if you actually do care and want to know more, you can look up and research more in depth than an exasperated trans person posting on the WoW forums really cares to provide for you.

So, please stop saying things that are akin to someone else asserting the Earth is flat and actually educate yourself about these issues. Or just be honest and say you don’t care.


You’re getting flagged because you’re a troll.
Sibyl is getting flagged because she made a bad faith argument and is trying to defend it.

I got flagged… well I don’t know why, maybe my original post upset people, who thought I was making light of trans issues? I honestly don’t know.

Again I never disagreed so I don’t know why you have that tone.

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He was female before and now he is male. Like there is no trans here at all.

I got flagged because I called you out on ignorance and now you’re flagging every post I make indiscriminately. Lets not pretend these flags have anything to do with the actual content of any of these posts.

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He was a man trapped in a female body, so he was trans in real life. You already agreed with me. I don’t see why you’re trying to continue to make this an argument.

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Not sure how I agreed with you when I specifically said otherwise lol. You can’t be trans if you are doing a complete 180 on your sex, sorry. Trans people can’t just wake up and switch sexes.

No she was never trans, she just had conflicting feelings. Being trans is taking action to be something like the target gender you want to be.

You said " taking his opinion and misinterpreting it as him stating what should be as if he was a dictator." just stop. This is a waste of time.

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