Pelagos, WoW's First Transgender Character(Confirmed)

Kinda like how we are fighting for covenants to be freely swappable.

My god we connected Ralph.

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thats not even what i said champ

It is still in the EU/NA version which is what matters ;^)

So you’re defending someone who thinks they get to decide how other people should act… are you ready to admit you’re wrong again?

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Being transgender has nothing to do with transitioning. One can be trans and never transition.

If you identify as a gender other than the one you were assigned at birth, you are trans. GG


Uh, do chinese trans people not matter?
Nice job being racist.

Actually no it’s not. We in the west already accept these things. The test is actually if it makes it into the Chinese version. So, no it’s not what matters, not in the long run.

You have to admit there is irony in what you are saying.
Youre the one trying to tell people how they should act right now

You guys need to stop falling for Ralph’s primitive strategies for people to attack one another

Just hug. Damn.

I mean, you gotta be cautious when people don’t make it past the “what am I attracted to?” phase of human development and just sit there talking about the concept for life.

If you truly believe this, you’d be amazed to hear the statistics of bullying, beating, lynching, killing, and suicides that are linked to transphobia in the west. I think the projected lifespan of a trans person is mid-30s.


Must be a tough life reading quest text and watching cinematics :frowning:

How are any of the newly revealed LGBTQ characters in WoW “flaunting” it? Since when is simply existing flaunting it?

Just say you’re homophobic and go. Wanting LGTBQ people to be invisible isn’t actually accepting them.


You’re going to need a bigger bag.

He said “the best lgbt are the ones who act how I think they should act”

And I disagreed

I don’t see the irony. Do you think its okay for him to say that about people?


I never admitted I was wrong in the first place. I admitted that you made your point multiple times.

Why is being correct more important than trans issues to you? You feel the need to derail a topic about trans issues so that you can get a pat on the back from people you don’t know and never will meet. If anything I proved you wrong multiple times, while trying to keep this topic on track… You should be a better ally for trans people.

No, we don’t and to say we do is a pathetically poor understanding of the social climate and political landscape many of us live in.

At least pretend like you have a basic understanding of the subject you’re trying to pretend to be an expert on.


If this is how it goes I sure hope I transition into a big booty buff tauren that brings all the dudes to yhe yard when I die. Mmpf ima be yiffin the hell outta hell


If she wanted to be a male, why she didnt go to the nearest barbed shop, lol.


You, just took a quote out of context and butchered it so that you could push a negative view of that person. You didn’t disagree with what they said, you disagreed with a misinterpretation of what that person said.