Pelagos, WoW's First Transgender Character(Confirmed)

Point to the part where I was rude/defensive. Also being confrontational when someone is saying something that is factually incorrect is not a bad thing. The way I see it you are being the defensive one.

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Its actually not a medical fact, but it is a fact that gender dysphoria exists.


Not even remotely close to what I was talking about. The transition in my example can be a mindset. A mindset evolves.

Not sure why you’re getting upvotes for your obviously confused response, but people can do what they like.

I don’t know this guy but I do know that you said that trans is short for transitioning and that is factually incorrect, it stands for “transgender”. Just ask a trans person.


You said yourself he is a troll and not to get worked up over it.


Pelagos is certainly not a traditional transgender.

She was in life a female with certain inherent feelings, sort of like a butch female, but she couldn’t convincingly become a male with all the necessary biological characteristics of one.

Now in death, his entire biological/spiritual makeup is the form of a male, so you can say Pelagos is a transgender, but there is a difference between transgendered people in the real world and what Pelagos is able to do.

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OK, that’s fine, any other points to make?

Don’t think a large portion of the transgender population wanted multiple blue posts about a character coming out as such.

Kinda weird honestly.


Popcorn! Get your popcorn here!


I think it’s pretty cool.

I hope whatever (if any) form of afterlife allows for this. :slight_smile:


Pelagos was patient with what creation gave them and everything worked out in the end :slight_smile:


That you might want to research what you are talking about before you state misinformation as facts then get flustered when other people point them out, that’s all.

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I don’t know what a binary person is, let alone a non-binary one. Is this computer code jargon?


man blizz is jumping on the bandwagon. the best lgbt people are the ones that dont care and dont feel the need to flaunt it. sexuality doesnt affect how i view a person. these days people are as bad as vegans. cool you are what you are dont need to throw it out there when we were talking about a completely different thing


Wait a minute who gave you the right to police how other people should feel or behave?


You already insinuated this, twice. Is there any other point that you’d like to make, cogent and relevant to this topic?

/sigh at another ralph topic


“The best LGBT people are the ones who are silent and never speak up about discrimination and hate”
And if we followed your advice being gay would still be illegal, thankfully many of us know change does not come by being silent or quiet.


Who gave you the right to police his opinion?

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I hope Blizzard actually commits to this and puts it in the Chinese localization of the game.
We’ll see though.